Arthur Morgan Quotes From Red Dead Redemption 2’s Notorious Outlaw
February 28, 2023 5:00 AM EST
Who knew such great lines could come from a game?
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According to the University of Rochester, video games can increase creativity and problem-solving skills, which can inspire individuals in real-life situations.
This study suggests that gaming can be a source of inspiration for those looking to enhance their creative abilities.
Arthur Morgan is a fictional and central character in the Red Dead Redemption 2 game.
When Arthur was a child, his mother died.
His father was a petty criminal and an outlaw who was arrested when Arthur was 11.
When Arthur gets older, he joins Dutch van der Linde’s gang and becomes Dutch’s first protégé.
He eventually becomes Dutch’s most dedicated enforcer.
However, after a few failed heists, Arthur parts ways with Dutch and teams up with John Marston.
Arthur also has a son with a server, but robbers kill both of them.
One interesting thing about this game is that the decisions the player makes affect the outcome of the game.
Spoiler alert, but this led many players to question whether Arthur Morgan could have possibly survived in the game.
Another question that players often have is what words will Arthur Morgan utter at the end of the game?
His last words are always the same, but depending on the player’s honor level, the preceding dialogue will be different.
Keep reading these Arthur Morgan quotes to find those last words, and learn more about what happens to Arthur Morgan at the end of Red Dead Redemption 2.
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Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration.
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Heartfelt and sad Arthur Morgan quotes from Red Dead Redemption 2
The University of Wisconsin-Madison found that playing video games can improve cognitive function, including memory and attention span, which can increase productivity and inspiration.
These findings suggest that gaming can be an effective tool for enhancing cognitive abilities and stimulating inspiration.
1. “I guess I… I’m afraid.” ― Arthur Morgan

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2. “We ain’t both gonna make it.” ― Arthur Morgan

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3. “I gave you all I had.” ― Arthur Morgan

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4. “We’re more ghosts than people.” ― Arthur Morgan

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5. “We can’t change what’s done, we can only move on.” ― Arthur Morgan

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6. “Humanists are not characteristically strong in faith, hope, and love.” ― Arthur Morgan

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7. “Just do one thing or the other, don’t try to be two people at once.” ― Arthur Morgan

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8. “We’re thieves, in a world that don’t want us no more.” ― Arthur Morgan

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9. “John made it; he’s the only one.” ― Arthur Morgan

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10. “All them years, Dutch, for this snake?” ― Arthur Morgan

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11. “Lack of something to feel important about is almost the greatest tragedy a man may have.” ― Arthur Morgan

Funny Arthur Morgan quotes that will make you laugh
Newzoo’s survey found that 70% of gamers feel that playing video games helps them to unwind and relax, leading to a more positive mindset and increased inspiration.
These findings suggest that gaming can be a valuable tool for promoting mental well-being and fostering inspiration.
12. “Five thousand dollars? For me? Can I turn myself in?” ― Arthur Morgan

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13. “I think, as a general rule, Dutch likes to avoid murder within the camp.” ― Arthur Morgan

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14. “You, sir, are a fish.” ― Arthur Morgan

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15. “We each made 15 dollars, oh, and a quarter! Don’t forget the quarter!” ― Arthur Morgan

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16. “Should I just… sneak on now?” ― Arthur Morgan

17. “Forgive me if I slip and stab you in the face.” ― Arthur Morgan

18. “Look, I’m sorry, friend. I can barely speak English.” ― Arthur Morgan

19. “I do my utmost to avoid you.” ― Arthur Morgan

20. “Does this trolley go to Tahiti?” ― Arthur Morgan

21. “Women voting? Sure, why not? Anyone dumb enough to wanna vote, I say go for it.” ― Arthur Morgan

22. “Next time, let the wolves eat all your brain… then you’ll be a genius.” ― Arthur Morgan

23. “Hey, Mister!” ― Arthur Morgan

24. “We got sloppier than the town drunk… and they know who we are, and where we are, and what we’re doing.” ― Arthur Morgan

Best Arthur Morgan quotes about life
25. “Life’s greatest adventure is in doing one’s level best.” ― Arthur Morgan

Which of these Arthur Morgan quotes is your favorite?
So, to answer the question about whether Arthur can survive the game, the answer is no.
Regardless of what decision you make, he will die by one of these methods: succumbing to tuberculosis, a bullet to the head, or a knife in the back.
It is the West, after all, and the dramatic life and death of the outlaw is kind of a given.
I won’t spoil all the endings for you, but they will depend on your honor level.
As for Arthur’s last words (uttered to Dutch), they were, “I gave you all I had.”
Roger Clark does a spectacular job doing the voice acting in this Rockstar game.
If you are a big Western fan, or a gamer who loves a little more challenge than your typical sandbox RPG, then you should give this game a shot if you haven’t already!
Did you enjoy these Arthur Morgan quotes and sayings?
Let us know what your favorite part of Red Dead Redemption 2 is using the comment section below.
October 31, 2021 at 2:54 PM
“As long as you get shot or we get paid, I’m happy”
– Arthur to Uncle