Llama Quotes About the Adorable Pack Animal
September 21, 2022 11:00 AM EST
Llamas are adorable fuzzy creatures and these funny llama quotes capture their essence in every word.
Some of these hilarious puns you have likely heard before like, “No probllama!”
However, there are a few on this list I had never heard of before!
The llama is a domesticated South American camelid (meaning they are technically a camel).
They are widely used as a meat and pack animal by Andean cultures since the Pre-Columbian era.
Llamas are social animals and live with others in a herd.
Their wool is soft and contains only a small amount of lanolin.
Llamas are smart too and can learn simple tasks after a few repetitions.
You might also wonder about the difference between an alpaca and a llama.
Even though the two are often used interchangeably they are not the same animal.
They look different as you will learn from some of these llama quotes.
Keep reading to learn more about both these wooly creatures.
Including whether or not llamas are friendly (and what makes them mad enough to spit!).
Don’t forget to also check out these animal quotes celebrating their role in our lives.
If you like this article, we suggest you explore our most popular quotes article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily encouragement.
Check out more inspirational quotes on our motivational quotes category page.
Short and funny llama quotes
1. “No drama llama.” — Caesar

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2. “Llamas are cool.” — Amal Mathew Joshy

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3. “Llamas can drive… they just don’t know it yet…” — Llama Queen

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4. “He is like a female llama surprised in her bath.” — Winston Churchill

5. “May the llama of happiness forever spit in your direction.” — Unknown

6. “The Llama…like an unsuccessful literary man.” — Hilaire Belloc

7. “Hold up, llama be right back!” — Unknown

8. “A broker llama usually goes to Wool Street to work.” — Unknown

9. “The llama felt extremely irritable and itchy. He probably had fleece.” — Unknown

10. “Save your drama for a llama because Hollywood is miles and miles away!” — Timothy Pina

Llama quotes and puns for Instagram
11. “A llama who reads a lot is wool-versed.” — Unknown

12. “The two llamas who stood close were within spitting distance.” — Unknown

13. “You can commonly hear a comedian llama say, ‘Well, llama say, I’m funny.’” — Unknown

14. “The llama couldn’t see because someone pulled the wool over his eyes.” — Unknown

15. “I was thinking about shearing my llama, but I figured that I better leave him wool enough alone.” — Unknown

16. “When Llamye West interrupted Taylor Swift’s speech, he said, “Llama let you finish…” — Unknown

17. “The llama mother and daughter are spitting images of each other.” — Unknown

18. “The drama llama who refused to go outside because of her hair prob-llama is such a llama queen!” — Unknown

19. “When the llama married his wife, he told her, ‘I wool stop at nothing to keep you happy.’” — Unknown

20. “When llamas hear funny llama jokes, they spit their sides laughing.” — Unknown

Adorable and witty llama quotes
21. “Llamas are more than just a haughty look and long lashes. They are remarkably friendly, quirky, and smart.” — Claire, VirtualEdge

22. “And I will bring a llama into the place where you sleep and make sure that it urinates on everything you possess.” — Cassandra Clare

23. “Magnus was sure that the llama stampede he witnessed was a coincidence. The llamas could not be judging him.” — Cassandra Clare

24. “I don’t care if you’re a Tangent or a really smart llama. You’re my friend and that’s all that matters.” — James Dashner

25. “The Llama is a woolly sort of fleecy hairy goat, with an indolent expression and an undulating throat.” — Hilaire Biloc

26. “So yeah, we put llamas everywhere. That was us. We just liked looking at them, so we bred about six million and spread them around.” — Dave Eggers
27. “Men—you can’t live with them, and you can’t legally shoot them. I tossed out my husband eight years ago and got a llama instead. Best decision I ever made.” — Jodi Picoult
28. “I look at Nick in distress. ‘Why is he spitting at me?’ Maybe he thinks he’s a llama.” — Holly Smale
29. “Llamas are animals that are loved by everyone. So, we should hug them on that day, provide them nutritious food, and wish everyone around Happy National Llama Day!” — Anonymous
30. “One has but to spend a few days with an aardvark or llama, command a water buffalo to sit up and beg or try to housebreak a moose, to perceive how wisely man set about his process of elimination and selection.” — James Thurber
Alpaca and llama quotes
31. “When an alpaca is confused about his identity and species, he says ‘Llama alpaca.’”
32. “When the alpaca farmer was asked to bring a llama with him, he said, ‘Sure! Alpaca llama.’”
33. “There is nothing like a llama… well maybe an alpaca. But they’re kinda like trademarks of llamas…” — Llama Queen
34. “Alpacas and llamas are two of the four lamoid species—the other two species, vicuña, and guanaco are their wild cousins.” — Cydney Grannan
35. “Their faces are also dissimilar: alpacas have small, blunt faces with short ears, while llamas have more-elongated faces with banana-sized ears.” — Cydney Grannan
36. “Alpacas and llamas are so similar because they are both part of the camelid family, which includes camels, their cousins in the eastern hemisphere.” — Molly Mitchell
37. “No one is afraid of llama kisses. But, why is everyone afraid of the alpaca lips?” — Unknown
38. “Alpacas: Soon it’ll be the alpacalypse! Llamas: You mean llamageddon.” — Unknown
39. “For as different as they are, alpacas and llamas can mate.” — Nicole Cosgrove
40. “He can become aggressive if he feels threatened. That’s when he’s most likely to spit and kick, a trait that the alpaca shares with the llama.” — Nicole Cosgrove
llama quotes By llama Lovers
41. “Llamas are like dogs: they are your friend,” — Pam Fink
42. “Llamas will steal your heart” — Jerry
43. “I refer to them as our walking lawn ornaments,” — Pam Fink
44. “Llamas are intelligent, and they’re very curious,” — Jerry
45. “I can’t envision life without llamas,” — Richard Snyder
46. “Llamas have an amazing sixth sense. They are very good with people with special needs.” — Robin H. Turell
47. “Llamas are good around children,” — Franklin
48. “No drama, llama.” – Caesar
Thought Provoking Llama Quotes
49. “If we all end up as llamas, I’m going to spend the rest of my life following you around saying ‘I told you so’ in llama-ese.” — Julie Kagawa
50. “I draw the line at foul-smelling llama-manure tea.” — Christine Feehan
51. “‘Bad time to be a llama.’ ‘Is it ever a good time, really?’” — Cassandra Clare
52. “I tell my students, if you’re interested in marine biology or llama farming, follow that string. Yes, it will probably take you a longer time to write that book, but it’s not a race.” — Debra Dean
53. “For all we know, Twatwaffle saved our lives and maybe Mitch did too. There’s obviously something out here. Who the fuck decapitates a llama?” — Karina Halle
54. “He’d have puppies if he found a stranger in the house. Hell, he might even have a llama.” — Jus Accardo
55. “If I ever become a king, I’m totally going to ask him for an army of giant golden acid-spitting llamas. Okay, sorry. I got distracted again.” — Rick Riordan
56. “A tiger would birth a baby llama sooner than Rose would be barefoot in a dirty club.” — Krista Ritchie
57. “I’m sure this particular llama was on many a hit list.” — Karina Halle
58. “You are such a drama llama!” she shouted at her mother. The redhead blinked. ‘It’s drama queen, dear.’ ‘No, it’s llama..’”. — Katie Reus
What did you learn from these llama quotes?
My sister wants nothing more in this life than to have a pet llama.
Most people would consider them more livestock than pets, but they are actually pretty friendly and social.
Llamas have a reputation for spitting, but this behavior is more common among llamas.
It is usually not directed at people unless they have been poorly socialized.
They are also vocal and make a variety of sounds.
Llamas typically live about 15 to 30 years.
They are not small animals and can weigh between 250 to 450 lbs.
If you do want a pet llama make sure to research how to properly care for one.
Llamas are not for everyone.
They require a significant time commitment and are expensive to care for.
What’s your biggest takeaway from these llama quotes and sayings?
Have you ever had a pet llama, or known someone who has?
Let us know what having a pet llama is like in the comment section below.