“13 Reasons Why” Quotes that Shine Light on Mental Health
August 10, 2022 8:40 AM EST
You’ll gain a new perspective on mental health with these 13 Reasons Why quotes.
When the Netflix show 13 Reasons Why first came out, it caused a lot of controversy.
Some people were uncomfortable with the storyline.
But others could completely relate.
What can we learn from 13 Reasons Why T.V. show?
The show addresses head on the problem that the world is facing with mental health and suicide from their perspective of teenagers, which is one of the age groups with the highest statistics of struggling in this area.
While the show might not be a fun and comfortable one to watch, there are a lot of important insights that can be gained from it as the following 13 Reasons Why quotes show.
For more inspiration and insight, don’t forget to also check out our collection of mental health quotes.
Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration.
Check out our entire collection of motivational quotes here.
13 Reasons Why quotes that show you don’t know what someone else is going through
1.) “You don’t know what goes on in anyone’s life but your own.” ― Hannah Baker

You will also enjoy our article on mental health.
2.) “When you try rescuing someone and discover they can’t be reached, why would you ever throw that back in their face?” ― Hannah

3.) “Normally when a person has a stellar image, another person’s waiting in the wings to tear them apart. They’re waiting for that one fatal flaw to expose itself.” ― Hannah

4.) “I guess that’s the point of it all: No one knows for certain how much impact they have on the lives of other people. Oftentimes, we have no clue. Yet we push it just the same.” ― Hannah

5.) “If you could hear other people’s thoughts, you’d overhear things that are true as well as things that are completely random. And you wouldn’t know one from the other. It’d drive you insane. What’s true? What’s not? A million ideas, but what do they mean?” ― Jay Asher

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13 Reasons Why quotes about mindset
6.) “But sometimes there’s nothing left to do but move on.” ― Mr. Porter

7) “Maybe if I forgot things once in a while, we’d all be a little bit happier.” ― Hannah

8.) “You can’t go back to how things were. How you thought they were. All you really have is…now.” ― Hannah

9.) “I was going to work harder. Be smarter. And be stronger. Because you can’t change other people, but you can change yourself.” ― Hannah

10.) “Sometimes things just happen to you. They just happen. You can’t help it. But it’s what you do next that counts. Not what happens, but what you decide to do about it.” ― Hannah

You will also enjoy our article on suicide quotes.
13 Reasons Why quotes on the importance of your actions and words
11.) “You can have the best intensions and still fall short.” ― Billy Porter

12.) “You can’t know rumors. You can hear them, but you can’t know them.” ― Hannah

13.) “It may seem like a small role now, but it matters. In the end, everything matters.” ― Hannah

14.) “When you hold people up for ridicule, you have to take responsibility when other people act on it.” ― Hannah

15.) “I’ve heard so many stories I don’t know which one is most popular. But I do know which is the least popular: the truth.” ― Hannah

16.) “Maybe you think I’m being silly. I’m some stupid girl who gets all worked up over a little thing. But little things matter.” ― Hannah

17.) “I don’t blame Hannah for anything. That’s how it is for girls. People judge you for the way you look and the things they hear about you. They put a label on you.” ― Jessica

18.) “And when you mess with one part of a person’s life, you’re not messing with just that part. When you mess with one part of a person’s life, you’re messing with their entire life.” ― Jay Asher

19.) “Do you remember the last thing you said to me? The last thing you did to me? And what was the last thing I said to you? Because trust me when I said it I knew it was the last thing I’d ever say.” ― Jay Asher

Also read these memorable This Is Us quotes.
13 Reasons Why quotes about the past
20.) “Why didn’t you say this to me when I was alive?” ― Hannah

21.) “You can’t stop the future. You can’t rewind the past.” ― Hannah

22.) “I’m starting to understand. And that opens up a black hole in the pit of my stomach.” ― Clay Jensen

23.) “I want to rewind into the past and warn them. But I can’t. You can’t rewrite the past.” ― Clay Jensen

13 Reasons Why quotes on the power of your thoughts
24.) “But you can’t get away from yourself. You can’t decide not to see yourself anymore. You can’t decide to turn off the noise in your head.” ― Jay Asher

25.) “Everything about it was false. Right then, in that office, with the realization that no one knew the truth about my life, my thoughts about the world were shaken.” ― Jay Asher

Where do you go from here?
These 13 Reasons Why quotes and lines show the importance of talking about mental health.
It can no longer be a taboo topic that society is too afraid to address.
The words you say and the way you treat people matter.
You never know what’s going on in someone’s life that you aren’t aware of.
And, mental health challenges like anxiety and depression often can’t be seen.
But left untreated they can spiral a person into suicidal thoughts.
If you are struggling, reach out for help from a loved one or mental health professional.
If you believe that you know someone that is struggling, ask how you can help them and be there to support them.