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How to Overcome Perfectionism and Love Yourself More

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Today, perfectionism plagues a lot of people.

It seems everyone wants to have the perfect looks, relationship, job, school, grades, etc.

It hinders your success, health, mindset and even productivity.

In short, perfectionism is crippling you and making life harder.

It’s human nature to want to be the best (and to have the best of everything).

However, the desire to be perfect has a negative impact on people.

Perfectionism hinders you from being the real ‘you.’

The global industry has thrown us into the rat race of perfection.

Hardly anyone takes the time to appreciate the best in themselves.

So, how do we overcome this?

How do you learn to love ‘you’ with all your flaws, weaknesses, and talents?

Here are three simple ways to overcome perfectionism.

Allow yourself to be vulnerable

Brene Brown says “When we lose our tolerance to be vulnerable, joy becomes foreboding.”

Perfectionism impedes vulnerability.

You’ve got to allow yourself to be ‘you.’

Look at yourself and appreciate all your experiences-good and bad, flaws, weaknesses and love yourself like that.

Vulnerability requires courage.

It takes courage to say #imnotperfect and realize not being perfect is okay!

Besides, in our own abilities, we will fail.

We’re humans, we make mistakes!

We can’t be perfect in our own self.

So, why don’t you challenge yourself to be vulnerable?

Tell yourself ‘this is me’ and this is how I want to be or this is what I want to improve on.

Let go of all of your insecurities and complexities.

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What perfectionism wants is to make you “faultless,” and that’s impossible.

Our very failures shape us into the person we were born to be.

As does every experience we go through.

Learning to accept mistakes as a part of life and success is key in overcoming perfectionism.

Move with people who appreciate the real ‘you’

It’s important to find friends who love you for being ‘you.’

Friends who are willing to see your dark sides and not criticize them.

That’s a real friend.

Having a perfect friend doesn’t count.

Instead, having someone in your corner to that exudes motivation and encouragement in times of distress is essential.

Perfectionism prevents authenticity.

There are so many perfectionists around.

Take a close look at their lives and you’ll find out they aren’t original.

Most times, the company they keep isn’t genuine either.

You must take the responsibility to ensure you have the right support group around you.

Sometimes, you might have to let go of a friendship or relationship.

You’ve got to consider your well-being and what makes you happy.

Although it might seem selfish, your happiness is a choice you make each day.

Be willing to make mistakes

We are usually fearful of making mistakes and perfectionists dislike mistakes even more than most.

However, how do we learn if we don’t make mistakes?

How do you become the best at anything without failing once or twice or even thrice?

Look at the great heroes of the past and today.

They failed many times and were willing to keep trying until they reached their goal.

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We must realize that failure is a key ingredient to success.

It offers you experiences, which translates into life lessons that education can’t give.

The important thing is the willingness to get up and learn from those mistakes.

Only then can you improve yourself and fulfill your purpose on earth.

It’s important that as we go through life; we strive for progress and not perfection.

What was your favorite tip for overcoming perfectionism?

Be sure to leave your comments below.

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1 Comment
  1. Reese Evans

    August 6, 2022 at 2:10 AM

    Always keep pace with the people who appreciate you. Because a man is known by the company he keeps.

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