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Social Causes to Care About and How to Get Involved

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The world is full of injustices.

Fortunately, there are many people out there, like you and me, who want to make things better.

However, it can be overwhelming to figure out how to start getting involved in social issues you care about.

A social issue influences society.

When they are opposed by enough people, they become an issue. 

Think of issues like abortion, alcohol and drug abuse, poverty, healthcare, education, and inequality (racial, ethnic, gender, sexual preference, financial, etc.).

Do you care about a social issue that seems much larger than you?

You might not be sure how you can help.

If you ask questions like “What can I do that will enable more girls to stay in school in sub-Saharan Africa?

“How do I find a group that addresses sanitation problems in developing countries?”

this list will help you get involved in the social causes you care about.

1. Educate yourself

Social media is a good tool to get information on causes you care about.

Follow organizations whose work you admire on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Follow #hashtags on these platforms that mention topics you want to be involved in by going to the ‘search’ area of these apps and typing in a phrase you think might be used, like #genderequity.

Look through the results to see if there are any accounts using these tags that you’re interested in following.

Contribute to these digital conversations when you can, becoming part of their communities.

The search box can also be used to follow specific organizations, thought leaders, and social issues or causes that you know are of interest to you.

Type in the name of something you’re looking for, for example, USAID.

If the organization or person has an account, click on it, and then click ‘follow’ or ‘like’ on their profile page.

When they post something, it will show up in your feed for that app.

Additionally, some social apps like Twitter suggest accounts similar to the ones you follow. 

Use this tool to broaden your information reach – the more cause-related accounts you follow, the more those types of accounts come across your radar.

Spend a few minutes each day looking through your social media feeds.

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Read stories that are relevant to what you want to know more about.

Another way to educate yourself is to go to organization websites.

Then click on their ‘About Us’ pages, and read their press releases, and other relevant articles.

Be sure to sign up for their newsletters.

2. Volunteer

Go to websites, look for emails, and proactively contact groups you want to volunteer.

Surely, there’s a need or vacancy you can fill.

Often small non-profits will welcome you as their resources are thin.

They regularly use additional volunteers to help fill in gaps.

I wanted to be involved with a group empowering women and girls in a developing nation.

Never a regular Twitter user, I happened to look at my feed one day and saw a story on Girl Up Initiative Uganda.

They do exactly the kind of work I wanted to be involved in.

As a bonus, they were starting Mazuri Designs, which aims to become a fair trade fashion company.

Mazuri teaches sewing skills to create income and economic empowerment to a marginalized community in Kampala.

I read the story and clicked a link to their website.

There I saw a welcoming ‘If you’d like to volunteer, please contact us a message.

Two days later my journey began as a remote advisor to these organizations.

Idealist is a website database offering volunteer opportunities in your area for those who want to be involved in a face-to-face capacity.

Simply do a search for your city and scan the results.

Next, see if there’s a match between what you care about and an organization that needs you.

3. Find like-minded people

Many people are looking for fulfillment outside their regular work schedules and family obligations.

Look for ways to physically be around people who share your interest in a particular cause.

Food pantries, homeless shelters, refugee centers, fair trade and social enterprise associations offer events or opportunities to get involved with people who share your passion.

Is there a group in your city that supports your cause?

Does your church support a social issue that interests you?

In-person opportunities to be around like-minded people are great, because of the connections you can make.

The conversations you get to have can lead to a destination you hadn’t planned for but are welcome to have discovered.

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Just like bread crumbs on a path.

Also, having a circle of people interested in the same social issue will raise your awareness.

It will also increase your ability to notice other ways to get involved in the cause.

This is called a frequency illusion, or the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon.

4. Identify and use your skills

Make a list of things you’re good at that could add value to an organization.

If you’re a web developer passionate about gender equity education, search for these nonprofits online, go to their websites, and reach out to ones needing a better, more professional-looking online presence.

Offer to rebuild their site pro bono.

Remember to take credit for the work you do!

Add volunteer and paid experiences with social causes you support to your resume and LinkedIn profiles.

5. Put the ‘fun’ in a fundraiser

Are you great at getting people to support a cause you’re interested in?

Create a fun and interesting way to raise money to support your cause. 

Bake cupcakes and sell them at your church bake sale. 

Run a 10K and raise money for beating your personal best time or for each mile you complete.

Ask for donations of gently used items people no longer want.

Then hold a garage sale with profits going back to your cause. 

Have people over for dinner and a movie, with the theme related to the cause you care about, to raise awareness.

Instead of people bringing a bottle of wine as a hostess gift, ask for a $10 donation to your cause instead.

6. Organize it

Organize and hold your event!

Care about urban produce deserts in poverty-stricken neighborhoods?

Find vacant land, a local group or church to ‘own’ the project, and put out church bulletins and social media announcements to recruit workers.

Get seed and fertilizer donations from a home improvement store.

Next, schedule weekly shifts.

Then, train the neighborhood volunteers on gardening essentials.

Finally, create a produce oasis that transforms communities.

Be a leader and start your own Meetup group or church event.

See if your alumni organization or work colleagues would participate if you did all the planning.

7. Get media attention

Write your message clearly and connect it to everyday events people can easily relate to.

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This will help make your message newsworthy.  

Want to raise money to build a homeless shelter in your neighborhood?

Then gather stats on how that will positively impact your community.

Be aware of the timing needed for different media outlets.

Magazines need longer lead times than online news sites that are updated daily.

Reach out to and build relationships with journalists.

Research outlets you want to be covered, and find out which editor or writer is the best fit for your cause.

Pitch them your story.

Next, follow up to confirm receipt.

Now, if your story fits into their content calendar, you could find your social cause getting more exposure in print or online.

8. Work

Get a job with an organization with a social mission.

Socialbrite offers a list of platforms, communities, and organizations that aim to do social good.

Idealist is also a great place to look for jobs in your area.

The purpose of their site is to connect people who want to do good in the world with opportunities for action and collaboration.

You can find openings at places like The Greater Chicago Food Depository and Feed America.

9. Networking with a twist

If you have a job requiring you to attend networking events, add a little personality to your elevator pitch.

People love people they can relate to!

Sharing some personal info, like a particular cause you are involved with, is a way to be memorable.

You might also find an ally.

The more you put out in the world what you’re interested in attracting, the more likely opportunities are to find you.

How will you involve yourself in the social issues you care about?

Try the ideas outlined above to become an active participant in solving some of the world’s problems, bringing more justice to underserved communities, or letting others who’ve been marginalized know you care.

Because of whom I follow on Twitter, I became actively involved with empowering and educating young girls in Uganda, even visiting the NGO to experience firsthand their work and impact.

Your desire to be a change-maker is just the start.

Now go use these tips to leave your mark on the world.

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