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Learning From Mistakes Adds to Our Lives

In this post, we look at how mistakes can actually improve the odds of us reaching our goals, becoming successful and remaining motivated.

Jeff Moore, CEO of Everyday Power
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Mistakes make life real, and the best thing we can do is to learn from them!

We would all love it if life started, ended, and contained only successes and accomplishments; life would be easy and scar-free.

Imagine life without:

  • learning curves
  • regrets
  • disappointments

Thankfully, life is not scar-free; our learning curve is our path and journey.

It is easy to beat yourself up after every minor or major mistake.

When we are aware of our mistakes, we can set ourselves up for success by learning from our mistakes and finding out where our pitfalls are.

Let’s look at how mistakes can actually improve the odds of us reaching our goals, becoming successful, and remaining motivated.

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”  – Albert Einstein

Learning from mistakes humbles you.

They let you know that you still have growing to do.

Mistakes keep you hungry.

They fuel your desire to be at your best and to stay on your toes.

Mistakes will keep you grounded and keep your ego in check.

Make it ok to make mistakes.

Your work ethic will thank you.

“Never let your failures get to your heart and never let your success get to your head.” -Unknown

Without mistakes, there is no wisdom.

Mistakes allow you to put your wisdom to use and give real advice.

Wisdom comes from experience and mistakes, not pages and articles.

Some of the greatest mentors and coaches have made many mistakes with their health, relationship, careers, personal lives, and finances – which is exactly why they’re able to speak in great detail about turning around a particular.

Related  How to Complain Less and Become Grateful About Life

Learn from your mistakes and share your knowledge.

Someone else will thank you for it!

“Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment.” – Rita Mae Brown

Our mistakes give us real and meaningful insight 

Mistakes give us insight into our habits of thinking, behaving, and adjusting.

We learn what our true strengths and weakness are.

We learn what our truest and deepest interests and passions are.

Mistakes add meaning, color, and texture to our lives!

Mistakes are a true gift.

Make no mistake; it’s ok to make mistakes!

“Freedom is not worth having if it doesn’t include the freedom to make mistakes.” –Mahatma Gandhi

What are some of the best lessons you have learned from your mistakes?

Let us know in the comment section below!

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