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7 Most Popular Books You Probably Haven’t Read Yet, But Probably Need To

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Here are some very popular books that you might not have read yet!

Nearly everybody who has an interest in reading has a guilt list of books that they have not read, but feel as if they should.

Then there are books that for some reason seem to fall under almost everybody’s radar.

The books on these lists often include the following:

  • Lesser known works by well-known authors
  • Classics that you should have read in school
  • Books that have made significant cultural impact
  • Books that are frequently quoted and used as pop culture references
  • Books that are or were controversial
  • Books that were popular in other circles but not our own

If somebody wanted to do so, they could probably think of hundreds of books that fall into at least one of the above categories.

That seems like a pretty overwhelming list to make, and certainly an overwhelming list to read.

Why not begin with this list of 7 books that you may not have read, but probably should add to your list of books to read in the future.

Don’t forget to also read these insightful Fahrenheit 451 quotes about the power of books.

The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy – Douglas Adams

“So long, and thanks for all the fish!”

The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy is such a well-known novel that most of us are familiar with this quote whether or not we have read the book or not.

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The reasons for the books popularity are simple.

It’s irreverently funny, and Douglas Adam’s is an absolute genius when it comes to word play.

The intended audience for this book might be younger men with an off-kilter sense of humor, but the truth is this book is funny and curiously insightful no matter who reads it.

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Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance – Robert Pirsig

When this book was first published in the mid seventies it quickly became the in thing to read among young men who fantasized about becoming the next great author.

It was also quite popular among young men who wanted to impress girls with their capacity for deep thought.

Critics either declared this book insightful and life changing, or as an exercise in self-indulgence.

In any case, there is no denying that this book made a big impact.

Read it and make your own judgments.

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50 Shades of Grey – E L James

Is this a revolutionary novel that upends traditional thought on women, relationships, and sexuality, or is this sexist smut that cloaks the glorification of violence and humiliation in the notion of empowerment.

No matter how you would answer these questions, you cannot deny that this book has created a buzz.

Why not read it so that you can intelligently take part in those conversations.

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I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings – Maya Angelou

This book is the author’s autobiographical tale of her childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood.

She discusses her experience with poverty, racism, sexism, and violence while weaving in stories of her beloved family.

This book can be found on multiple lists of the greatest books of all times.

Unfortunately, many people believe that this novel speaks only to the African American community.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Anybody reading this book is sure to get something positive from the experience.

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Don Quixote – Miguel De Cervantes

There aren’t many books from the 17th century that are still quoted today.

Yet, people still use the term ’tilting at windmills’ to describe the desperate and fruitless efforts of another person.

This book also falls neatly into the category of, books you should have read in high school.

While other classics might be overly long and tedious to read.

Don Quixote is actual a quick read, and contains enough clever humor and great imagery to keep you interested.

Days Between Stations – Steve Erickson

Erickson’s first novel never managed to create the buzz that his other works have generated.

In fact, there are only a paltry 11 reviews of this book on Amazon.

However, if you take the time to read those reviews it becomes clear that the book has really impacted those who have chosen to read it.

That alone should be compelling enough reason to pick up a copy for yourself.

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The Crossing – Cormac McCarthy

This is the second book in the Border Trilogy.

The first book, All the Pretty Horses, received much popular attention and critical acclaim.

While this book received even more praise from critics, it never fared as well among readers.

This is a shame, because this book is so well-written and it demonstrates how much an author can grow from one book to the next.

It is often said that the second movie in a trilogy is the best.

Perhaps this is also true for novels.

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