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Jay Shetty Quotes Everyone Needs to Read

Stephanie Kirby, Content Writer
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If you need a little inspiration and encouragement, these Jay Shetty quotes will help.

Whether you are in need of motivation in business or wisdom in life, Jay Shetty has advice that everyone can learn from.

According to a study by the University of Pennsylvania, expressing gratitude can lead to increased happiness and decreased symptoms of depression.

This statistic can reinforce Jay Shetty’s message about the power of gratitude and encourage individuals to incorporate a gratitude practice into their daily routine.

If you haven’t heard of him before, he’s a young British professional who has interviewed some big names on his podcast, including Kobe Bryant, Tim Ferriss, and Deepak Chopra.

But he’s more than just a podcast host.

Jay Shetty is an award-winning author, entrepreneur, and a purpose coach.

As you’ll see from his quotes, he’s full of wisdom on life, business, and relationships.

If you like this article, we suggest you explore our most popular quotes article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily encouragement. 

Read more related content on our inspirational quotes category page.

Wise Jay Shetty Quotes

Research by the University of California, Riverside found that kindness can be contagious and lead to a ripple effect of positive actions.

This statistic can support Jay Shetty’s message about the importance of kindness and encourage individuals to spread positivity in their communities.

1. “You are still young and you aren’t supposed to have your whole life figured out yet. Don’t stress. Everything will work out.” – Jay Shetty

Everyday Application: Life itself teaches us so many lessons. When we are young we need to focus on learning who we are, what we value, and who we want to be. It is the time to take risks, try new things, and learn skills. Don’t stress about the future, figure out who you are now.

2. “I believe you should focus your life on observing the little things because one day you look back and realize they were the big things.” – Jay Shetty

Everyday Application: Our lives are made up of the small moments. We learn about beauty, gratitude, pain, love, and many other things from observing the world around us and experiencing new things. What we glean from those explorations becomes our foundation for the bigger things. Making every moment, big or small, invaluable to our life.

3. “When nobody else celebrates you, learn to celebrate yourself. When nobody else compliments you, then compliment yourself. It’s not up to other people to keep you encouraged. It’s up to you. Encouragement should come from the inside.” – Jay Shetty

Everyday Application: Be your biggest cheerleader! You don’t need the validation of others. Whether someone else cheers you on or not does not negate your progress or accomplishments. Learn how to be a source of encouragement for yourself!

4. “If your past keeps coming back it’s just to test if you’re still stupid enough to fall for it again. Don’t be stupid.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes about don't be stupid

Everyday Application: Everything that happens to us should teach us something. If your past keeps coming back maybe there is a lesson you still have to learn. Take Jay’s advice and learn it so you can move on!

5. “Fear comes from a lack of knowledge. Accelerate your learning, eliminate your fear.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes on fear comes from a lack of knowledge

Everyday Application: Uncertainty is another thing that can cause us to be afraid. Accelerating your learning in general, and regarding unfamiliar situations, will help reduce your fears. Take a deep breath. Learn, prepare, and then act!

6. “We are meant to love people and use things but today we use people and love things.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes about love

Everyday Application: Take stock of what you value in your life. Are you constantly working to acquire the newest thing, and not checking into the relationships you have with people? If someone breaks something do you become so mad about the lost item that you treat the person poorly? Our connections with others is what contributes to our humanity; not how many things we own!

7. “Swap ‘Why is this happening to me?’ to ‘What is this trying to teach me?’. It will change everything.” – Jay Shetty

Everyday Application: Your mindset is a powerful thing. When you can reframe your thoughts into more positive versions, then you can learn to look at life from a new perspective. Swapping those two sentences changes your mindset from a victim mentality to that of a person who is facing an opportunity.

8. “We think that if we’re successful in public, we will be happy in private. But it’s actually the other way around. When you’re happy in private, you will be successful in public.” – Jay Shetty

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Everyday Application: It is important to know what success means to you. When you are happy in your personal life, you will likely appear more confident, positive, and people will want to follow you. This attitude will help you be successful in the other areas of your life!

9. “Choose people who choose you.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes on choose people who choose you

Everyday Application: This is a great reminder that relationships should not be one sided. Regardless of the type of relationship, the people involved must do their best to make time for each other. Toxic relationships should be avoided at all costs!

10. “Forget what you looked like 10 years ago. Focus on how much you’ve grown internally in the last 10 years.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes about forgt what you looked like 1o years ago

Everyday Application: Growth does not happen over night, and neither does success. The best feeling in the world is to look back over the course of several years and see how far you have come. You can assess your finances, your personal development, and your career growth.

11. “Our words have more power than we even believe. Our words define our reality. We need to pick them carefully. Make sure you taste your words before you spit them out.” – Jay Shetty

Everyday Application: Words are powerful because they help shape our beliefs. Our beliefs influence our behavior, and that behavior ends up becoming our reality. Words also have the power to evoke emotional responses from us. If you have ever read a book that brought you to tears, then you know how moving words can be. Check out these quotes from Margaret Atwood about the power of words.

12. “When you are not sure, flip a coin because while the coin is in the air, you realize which one you are actually hoping for.” – Jay Shetty

Everyday Application: This is a simple way to determine what you might not consciously know you are hoping for. In that split second, where your future is going to be decided by chance, you will feel the answer in your gut. Sometimes, we know the answer, we just can’t admit it to ourselves. If you are feeling unsure about something check out this article for tips on how to make a decision.

13. “Love didn’t hurt you. Someone who doesn’t know to love hurt you. Don’t confuse the two.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes about love didn't hurt you

Everyday Application: What does love look like and how do you love someone else? This seems like it should be an easy question, but it is more complicated than we think. Start our by loving yourself. When you love someone else you are able to listen to them and take their feelings into account. You must be able to accept your mistakes, and realize that the people you love will also make mistakes. Love requires sacrifice, loyalty, empathy, forgiveness, and action. Someone who doesn’t know how to express any of these things will have a hard time loving themselves and others.

14. “Instead of “to-do lists” we need “to-be lists”. The question isn’t what do we want to do, it’s who we want to be.” – Jay Shetty

Everyday Application: Who do you want to be? Once you figure that out, than you can begin to work on the actions that will help you grow into that person. If you are just floundering around trying to do a bunch of things, the journey to find yourself will be harder. You can figure out who you want to be by discovering what is important to you. What do you value? Also, remain open to change and growth. Explore your limiting beliefs and see how they are holding you back.

15. “When we find someone in our loneliness, we often attract emptiness.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes about loneliness

Life Lessons from Jay Shetty Quotes

According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, 77% of adults in the United States own a smartphone, and 53% of them use their device to access news.

This statistic highlights the potential reach of Jay Shetty’s quotes and the importance of utilizing digital platforms to share positive messages.

16. “We must keep the promises that we make to ourselves so that we can keep those that we make to others.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes about life lessons

17. “Always tell someone how you feel, because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye, but regret can last a lifetime.” – Jay Shetty

Everyday Application: One single moment or event can change our lives drastically. Sometimes, they are good moments and events, but sometimes, they are tragic and leave us devastated. Either way, it is in our best interest to let others know how we feel. You do not want to live your life wondering what might have been different if you had spoken up.

18. “The sooner you get over the notion that you can or should be perfect, or that anyone else is, change will come easier.” – Jay Shetty

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19. “Real friends tell you when you aren’t living up to your potential. They don’t let you sit and be mediocre and think you are lit.” – Jay Shetty

Everyday Application: It can be hard to spot fake friends. However, the real ones will be honest with you. They will support your growth and point out your strengths. They will also tell you if they think you are wasting your time or effort. Now, at the end of the day, their opinion does not matter, because the only thing that matters is what you believe. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t accept their help or gentle nudging to be the best you possible!

20. “Don’t let someone be a priority when all you are to them is an option.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes about priority

Everyday Application: You should matter and be a priority to the people you care about. If you are bending over backward to show someone how much they mean to you, and they treat you as if you are an option, it is time for a serious conversation. Relationships are mutual, and someone who treats you like you are just an option is keeping you from finding real love.

21. “We will keep facing the same test until we learn the lesson we are meant to learn. The same situations, relationships, issues will keep arising in our lives until we recognize what we are supposed to take away. We can save ourselves from so much trouble if we choose to listen, observe and adapt.” – Jay Shetty

Everyday Application: This is one of the most life changing things you can realize. Instead of asking why something happened to you, ask what you are supposed to learn. Do all of your romantic relationships end in the same way? Why? Do you keep dating the same type of person? Is there a behavior you continuously engage in (not communicating your feelings, lying, etc.). When you can figure out the lesson and learn it and change, these types of repeating situations will disappear.

22. “Insecure people try to make you believe in them. Self-aware people try to make you believe in yourself.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes about insecure people try to make you believe

23. “Success comes from gaining, happiness comes from giving.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes about success

24. “Most people don’t start because they don’t want to be seen starting at the bottom. Don’t be most people.” – Jay Shetty

Everyday Application: There is no shame in starting from nothing. In fact, it can be the biggest game changer. When you start at the bottom and work your way up, then you are acquiring knowledge without shortcuts. You are growing. Not only that, but when your work starts to pay off, you will find meaning in your accomplishments.

25. “It’s important to figure out who you’re not, in order to figure out who you are.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes to figure out who you're not

26. “If we never learn to be alone we will always feel lonely.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes to be alone

27. “One of the biggest reasons we don’t achieve our goals is we say yes to too many things that are not our priority and no to too many things that are our priority.” – Jay Shetty

28. “Think about what you can do right now, not what you wish you had done before.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes about think what you can do right now

Motivational Jay Shetty Quotes

29. “Everything will happen for you all of a sudden and you will be thankful you didn’t give up. Blessings are coming. Believe that.” – Jay Shetty

30. “It’s so important to fill our own batteries if we want to charge others.” – Jay Shetty

Motivational Jay Shetty quotes

31. “What you want exists. Don’t settle until you get it.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes about what you want exists

32. “Go the extra mile, it’s never crowded.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes on go the extra mile

Everyday Application: Most people rarely do their actual best. They do the bare minimum, and maybe a little beyond that. Then they settle and stay there. If you want to break free from the crowd and reach your biggest goals, then you have to be different. You have to push yourself past your comfort zone, past the limits in your head, and past the limits other people have in place for you. Go the extra mile, it will be worth every struggle along the way!

33. “You can’t do the big things if you are always distracted by the small ones.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes about you can't do the big things if you are always distracted by the small ones

34. “Action without intention is meaningless. And intention without action is impact-less.” – Jay Shetty

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Jay Shetty quotes about action without intention

35. “Don’t be afraid of new beginnings, from new people, new energy, new surroundings, new challenges. Embrace new chances at happiness.” – Jay Shetty

36. “Being positive doesn’t mean you don’t ever have negative thoughts. It just means you don’t let those thoughts control your life.” – Jay Shetty

37. “Growth isn’t always consistent. You relapse, you fall, but remember that doesn’t mean you’re back at square one. You don’t lose the growth you had before the relapse. Take your time, continue where you left off.” – Jay Shetty

38. “You’ve been criticizing yourself for years now and that hasn’t worked. Try coaching yourself and see what happens.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes that will make your day

39. “You only need rehearsals when you’re acting. When you’re living, you can just show up.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes that will make your day

40. “If you every meet someone who makes your life flow easier and makes you laugh a lot, keep them, that’s all you need.” – Jay Shetty

41. “A relationship without trust is like a car without gas. You can stay in it all you want but it won’t go anywhere.” – Jay Shetty

42. “I love asking kids what they want to be when they grow up because I’m still looking for ideas.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes what they want to be

43. “Stop trying to find the right person; be the right person. Instead of being with someone who makes you happy, first be someone who makes you happy.” – Jay Shetty

44. “Often the people closest to us get the worst of us. And the people we barely know get the best of us.” – Jay Shetty

45. “Too many of us set these lofty goals but never break them down into the building blocks of how we are actually going to get there.” – Jay Shetty

46. “Every act is either an act of love or a cry for love.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes about every act is wither an act of love or a cry for love

47. “Look back to learn lessons. Look ahead to get excited. Look around to be present. Look within to find yourself.” – Jay Shetty

48. “We force ourselves out of bed to live the same day again and again and call it a life.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes to live the same day again and again

More Jay Shetty Quotes

49. “Self-care isn’t just holidays and massages. It’s working on your habits, mindset and healing your past. It’s removing toxic thoughts, people and places in your life. It’s living intentionally, purposefully and consciously.” – Jay Shetty

50. “Reading changes your mind, applying changes your life!” – Jay Shetty

More Jay Shetty quotes

51. “I think millennials have really made it their vision and commitment into life to really find themselves, to focus on what matters.” – Jay Shetty

52. “Doing one thing by yourself, for yourself, that creates joy is such an important habit.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes about doing one thing by yourself

53. “You start projecting hurt and pain onto yourself when you don’t find closure. Be honest with the situation and yourself, clean the wound, and move on.” – Jay Shetty

54. “Don’t fall in love too fast. You think you know their dreams, but you just know their plans. Plans come from the head, but dreams come from the heart.” – Jay Shetty

55. “If you can build a muscle, you can build a mindset.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes about if you can build a muscle, you can build a mindset

56. “Solitude is the strength of being alone. It’s where we become our best company.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes about solitude is the strength of being alone

57. “Learning to love in the way someone wants to be loved is far more the definition of love than just loving in any way.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes about learning to love in the way someone wants to be loved is far more the definition

58. “Whatever you think someone else should give to you, you need to be able to give yourself first.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes whatever you think someone else should give to you

59. “Our past can be an opportunity to learn to feel happy, to feel joy, to feel power, to feel passion in your life.” – Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty quotes about opportunity to learn to feel happy

What did you learn from these Jay Shetty quotes?

Well if that’s not a great quote to end on then what is?

Reading, even these simple Jay Shetty quotes, can help transform your life.

Reading can help open up your mind to understand new ideas.

Look for the quotes above that stand out to you.

Those that expand your thinking or help you think of something in a new way.

Choose a quote or two that help motivate and inspire you.

Memorize them and repeat them during those times that you feel stuck or unmotivated.

Allow yourself to believe the words of these quotes and put them into action.

What’s your biggest takeaway from these Jay Shetty quotes and sayings?

Do you have any other favorite quotes to add?

Let us know in the comment section below.

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