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Working Online Is Like Karma – You Get What You Give

Vivi K
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Working online is a good exercise in karma!

You get what you give.

Many people think working online is good for them (and it is), but what happens when you shift your focus to the good you can do?

Something amazing happens.

You realize you can make money while:

  • doing something you love
  • bringing value to other people
  • freeing up your time to put more positive vibes into the world

Here are a few tips on how to get the best experience from working online while balancing out your Karmic scales!

1. Share your experiences and hardships with others

If you’ve experienced something difficult and made it through or are on your way to working things out—write about it.

Get your story out there.

So many people are suffering in silence.

Speak out, share, and tell them what helps you and what you struggle with.

The money part?

There are many self-help programs and books online, as well as support groups and therapy programs—the choices are endless.

Check out what you want to promote, or at least get well accustomed to it.

You don’t want to promote a scam to someone already suffering.

Be honest and upfront—you might be just working online, but you are also touching the life of someone who needs to hear your story.

2. Promote a good cause while working online

Promote brands/products that give a percentage of their sales to charity/a good cause/animal shelters/health organizations—there’s income in it for you and some good karma and support for the ones in need.

I’m all for leveraging social presence for a good cause.

As a big animal activist and dog lover, I do anything I can to spread the word and support those who can’t speak up for themselves.

You never know when you might need support—find a cause you feel strongly about and speak up!

3. Give some love to products that work

If you cooperate with specialized beauty brands like dermatological products – post honest reviews, show before and after pictures, and help the people who are scared to show their face in public find the remedies they need to get better.

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Spread the love!

No photoshopped great before pictures and even better photoshopped after pics – real life.

No filters, no crops, no make-up.

We are faced with more than enough “perfection” in the media.

It’s time for real people to speak up about real people’s problems.

Most people turn to Google to find solutions to problems they feel embarrassed about.

Be part of the solution!

4. Actively support an issue you feel strongly about

If you’ve made it big in the digital world, and are in the lucky group of influencers, use your social media following/prominent blog or website to spread some love.

Promoting a charity/organization/issue, you feel strongly about is a great way to give back.

Voice your opinion, and share your thoughts—people are not only listening to you, but they’re also looking up to you.

Encourage your followers to get involved, spread the word, show support and use their voices.

You make enough money on your big audience already.

Use the momentum to give some good karma back.

There are many examples of social media users uniting to collect money for a good cause, such as saving a dying child, finding an offender via information going viral, or helping homeless animals find loving families—there is strength in numbers, and you’ve got it!

5. Share with the less fortunate

If you get an array of products from brands you cooperate with or ones that would like you to write reviews, get mentions from you on social media or receive links on your site, put some of those goodies to good use.

When I worked at L’Oréal, we once organized an event for a single mother’s home.

My team all brought in things like clothes, home supplies, and books, gathered a load of make-up and beauty products from the office, and organized a mini beauty salon at home.

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We got them made up, dressed them up, and did their hair.

We helped to clean up, played with their kids, and brought bags of toys for them to grab and play with.

It was a rewarding experience and made me see how much I don’t appreciate in my everyday life.

You get bombarded with products and material things every day.

Thanks to the passive income you get online, you can also afford them—give something back.

Nothing beats the feeling of helping others and seeing how that lights up their day and their life.

6. Embrace your imperfections

If you’re a beauty/fashion blogger, show your followers how you deal with your imperfections.

Be it acne, excess hair loss, or body issues—make a vlog, post on YouTube, write it up, tell people how they can deal too, and show them that nobody is perfect.

Photoshop is an illusion.

Show your audience the real deal and give them tips so they can feel better about themselves too.

7. Make honesty your best policy

Provide honest reviews—the most important thing about being a blogger or affiliate marketer is not the sale itself—it’s providing honest and useful information.

I know this is the SEO mantra that everyone working online has heard many times.

However, to be frank, it can make a difference.

If I read an honest review where not only advantages but also drawbacks are highlighted, I trust the writer more—their authority grows in my eyes.

That review is useful to me and helps me make an informed decision, saves me time and money, and ultimately makes a difference in my life.

So I buy a solution to my problem or need, and the affiliate gets good news from PayPal.

It’s a win-win.

8. Throw a party 

Working online is fun and throwing a party is one of the most things ever!

Put together an event/fundraiser—collaborate with a brand/charity/organization and use your social momentum to raise money for a good cause.

You gain social authority by organizing a gathering to celebrate a good cause.

You could also gain media coverage and presence, which will expand your audience and fan base, as well as your trust factor.

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In the online world, this means more Benjamins in your bank account.

This also means that you’re making a difference in someone’s life.

You’re speaking out for something important.

You may even be the voice for those who don’t have one.

9. Pass on your expertise in working online

Share the knowledge—making money online requires a lot of learning, work, and perseverance.

You have to develop a professional website, gain social exposure, fight for conversions, initiate trust, and become an authority—these are all things that take time and determination.

Once you know how—share it.

There is enough room for everyone to be a success online.

With 3 billion people searching the web right now in the pursuit of information or purchase, anyone and everyone can make it.

Give tips, create tutorials, answer emails, help people new to working online—make a difference in someone else’s life—maybe thanks to your advice, they can quit their 9-5 and become a full-time online entrepreneur.

10. Help a reporter out is great for writers working online

Sign up for HARO and share your opinion on things you know and love, give insight, throw ideas around, pitch stories, and give feedback.

If you’re lucky, you get a link to your site, social mentions, and more traffic, hopefully converting.

You also get a happy reporter, provided with the stuff they need to write a useful and informative article.


Working online can be meaningful

Sure, working online can be great for a bunch of practical reasons.

Setting your own schedule is nice.

So is staying in your pajamas and needing to go into an office.

However, the true meaning can come from what you do with your newfound time, influence, and ability to help others.

Which of these statements resonated with you the most?

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