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‘Master Of None Quotes’ That Are Totally Relatable

Sckylar Gibby-Brown, Content Writer
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These Master of None quotes hit home for anyone who has ever experienced traversing this thing we call adulthood.

Comedian Aziz Ansari wrote the Netflix Original series, Master of None, to be his version of Seinfeld or Louie—a comedy loosely based around his life.

The show follows the story of Dev (played by Ansari), the son of Indian immigrants, and his friends as they try to figure out being adults in New York City.

In just two seasons, Master of None became the voice of a generation.

With episode plots centering around dealing with parents, cultural differences, the decision between whether to have kids or not, ghost texting, toxic masculinity, and all the other wonders of the modern world, Master of None is totally relatable.

Don’t forget to also check out these JoJo Rabbit quotes from the comedic World War II drama.

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Relatable Master of None quotes

1. “Got it, okay. Well, neither of us are doctors. Isn’t it worth a minute to Google it just to be safe?” Dev

Relatable Master of None quotes

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2. “If you’re born with a vagina, everybody knows that creepy dudes are just part of the deal.” Denise

Master of None quotes that creepy dudes are just part of the deal

3. “No, I just wanted to do one dinner. I didn’t want a serious relationship with my father.” Brian

Master of None quotes about relationship with my father

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4. “That bounce house is calling my name. Later.” Arnold

Master of None quotes that bounce house is calling my name

5. “Some black people think being gay’s a choice. And when they find out that their kid is gay, they try to figure out what they did wrong.” Teen Denise

Master of None quotes about think being gay's a choice

6. “I’m gay. I’ve always been gay. But I’m still the same person. I’m still your daughter. Nothing’s changed.” Denise

Master of None quotes about nothing's changed

7. “Isn’t it weird, all of us first-generation kids, we have these amazing lives all because our parents made these crazy sacrifices? Shouldn’t we find out more? Shouldn’t we at least try to thank them somehow?” Dev

Master of None quotes about first generation kids

8. “Sorry, I can’t. I’m meeting Dev to see a movie, and I love answering those movie trivia questions they put up before the show.” Dev

Master of None quotes about seeing movie

Funny Master of None quotes

9. “I don’t know why they call it Plan B. What is Plan A? Having the kid? That’s a terrible plan.” Arnold

Funny Master of None quotes

10. “I can’t talk right now, bud. You’re distracting me from my bounce.” — Arnold

Master of None quotes about I can't talk right now, bud. you're distracting me from my bounce

11. “Wow. I gotta say, out of the fifteen XMen movies I’ve seen, that was definitely in the top nine.” Brian

Master of None quotes that was definitely in the top nine

12. Dev: I actually had a friend who was in a situation like this and they got pregnant, so…

Rachel: That seems anecdotal.

Dev: No, no, I knew the person, it’s a real friend.

Rachel: That’s what anecdotal means.

Master of None quotes that's what anecdotal means

13. “Oh, man, I think they have one of those giant keyboards you can play with your footsteps. I’ll be right back.” — Arnold

Master of None quotes about I think they have one of those giant keyboards you can play with your footsteps

More Master of None quotes

14. “You’re a McDonald’s and Denise is a Burger King. Now, both of y’all sit on down so we can get ready to eat.” Catherine

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More Master of None quotes

15. “We got it. God is able. Jesus wept. Can we please talk about O.J.?” Joyce

Master of None quotes about talking about O.J

16. “I was walking around in Washington Square Park a few years ago and some guy said they needed a minority for a Fruit by the Foot commercial, so I did it and got paid pretty well, so I just kept doing more commercials. And from that I kind of fell into it more regular acting.” Dev

Master of None quotes about walking around in Washington Square Park

17. “He worked very hard there before going to America. You know the little tabs that go on the end of the zipper that you pull? He made the holes in them. He was so good at that. The best. If he didn’t go to America, you would probably be working in that zipper factory now, making those holes.” Dr. Ramusami

Master of None quotes about America

18. “Madam President, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Prime Minister Cho, it’s truly an honor to be here in the Oval Office, though I wish it were under better circumstances. I just came back from a meeting with the world’s top scientists. They’re all dead. The virus, it got them all. I was able to obtain a sample, but it’s not in the vial. It’s… it’s in my blood.” Dev

Master of None quotes about Prime Minister Cho

19. “Oh I’ve never heard my dad say the word proud. It’s always like “Oh that’s it? That’s all you’ve done?” If I went to the moon, honestly, he would be like, “When are you going to Mars?”” Brian

Master of None quotes that's all you've done

20. “Yeah, dude, most white families would be so psyched to adopt me.” Dev

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Master of None quotes about most white families would be so psyched to adopt me

Which Master of None character do you relate with the most?

The first two seasons of Master of None follow Dev as he navigates being a single 30-something man in New York.

After the second season, there was a four-year break before the third season was released.

When fans wondered what would happen next, Ansari said he would have to have some serious life changes before writing the third season.

He had simply written all he wanted to about a young man in New York and was ready to mature his characters and tell a new story.

When the third season was finally released, audiences were surprised to find that the show had changed directions completely.

Now called Master of None: Moments in Love, the series now follows Dev’s best friend Denise (played by Lena Waithe) in her romantic, professional, and personal life.

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