One of the top-rated Japanese sports anime series, these Haikyuu quotes will motivate you to work hard and follow your dreams. Haikyuu follows the story of...
Enjoy reading through these Men in Black quotes from the science fiction action comedy films. You may also enjoy our article on: The Men in Black...
Firefly is one of the few shows that has an incredible fan base, even though it only ever aired one season. Perhaps that’s because of just...
These Ken Kaneki quotes from Tokyo Ghoul reveal his internal struggle with his identity and depression. Share your favorite Ken Kaneki quote with us in the...
This collection of The 100 quotes will give you a taste of the series. The 100 is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi drama series that is loosely based...
Indiana Jones is an iconic film series that began in the 80s. The movies follow the adventures of Dr. Henry Walton “Indiana” Jones Jr., a professor...
These Killua quotes from the series include those about the Gon, friendship, killing, death, and life. There are also some quotes from other characters from Hunter x...
If you’re a fan of the long-running television series, you will recognize these Shameless quotes and lines. Shameless is an adult comedy-drama in America that is...
Fans of the game will enjoy these Arcane quotes. Arcane is an animated series on Netflix based on the popular video game League of Legends and...
If you’re a fan of English lore and fantasy, you’ll love these Merlin quotes. Merlin is a fantasy-adventure TV series that is based on the popular...