Waves Quotes For Surfers & Beach Lovers
March 15, 2023 5:00 AM EST
These beautiful waves quotes and sayings will make you want to visit the ocean.
The sight and sound of waves at the beach have an incredibly calming effect.
These quotes about waves highlight the strength and beauty of a swell sea.
Tell us which of these wave quotes is your favorite in the comment section below.
Have you ever gone to the beach just to enjoy the sound of waves on the shore?
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A study by the University of Sydney found that spending time in or near the ocean can have a calming effect on the brain, reducing stress and anxiety levels.
This suggests that a visit to the ocean can be a powerful way to improve mental health and well-being and escape everyday life’s stresses.
What are the benefits of reading these wave quotes?
Whether you love surfing, swimming, or just relaxing on the sand, it’s hard not to love the waves in the ocean.
Waves are the most inspirational and powerful aspect of the beach.
Watching the sun set behind the dancing waters will take your breath away.
Picture yourself on a gorgeous, wavy coast the next time you want to relax.
Read these wave quotes to set the mood and ease your mind.
Try reading these quotes to understand them better if you want to ride a wave.
Being amongst the ocean waves as they crash along the shore is a magical experience.
Read this collection of inspiring quotes:
- To connect with the waves and the power of water
- If you are looking for some wave quotes that relate perfectly to life
- To find the perfect captions for your beach photos
You’ll enjoy this lovely list of sayings and phrases if you love sand, sun, and salt.
Don’t forget to read these ocean quotes that inspire beauty and depth.
Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration.
Our inspirational quote category page has even more inspirational and educational quotes.
Beautiful waves quotes that will make you want to visit the ocean
A study by the University of Maryland found that exposure to nature, including water, can improve cognitive function and creativity.
Waves quotes and sayings can motivate individuals to seek out the ocean and potentially boost their productivity and creative thinking.
1. “The breaking of a wave cannot explain the whole sea.” – Vladimir Nabokov

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2. “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn

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3. “You’re not a wave, you’re a part of the ocean.” – Mitch Albom

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4. “Just take your time – wave comes. Let the other guys go, catch another one.” – Duke Kahanamoku

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5. “Just like the ocean always in love with the moon.” – Jeff Buckley

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6. “The sea is a desert of waves, A wilderness of water.” – Langston Hughes

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7. “Surfing waves of water or clouds of powder snow is the best feeling on earth.” – Hannah Teter

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8. “When you do dance, I wish you a wave o’ the sea, that you might ever do nothing but that.” – William Shakespeare

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9. “It’s a wonderful metaphor, catching a wave, for how you can look at other challenges in your life.” – Jeff Bridges

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10. “There is no new wave, only the sea.” – Claude Chabrol

If you’re enjoying these quotes, you’ll love our collection of sea quotes to invoke depth and exploration.
Waves quotes to lift your spirits
A study by the University of California, Berkeley found that individuals who experience awe, such as from witnessing a beautiful natural phenomenon like waves, tend to have greater life satisfaction and well-being.
Waves quotes and sayings can inspire individuals to seek out awe-inspiring experiences near the ocean, potentially improving their overall happiness.
11. “Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand.” – Muhammad Ali

You will also enjoy our article on sailing quotes.
12. “But where, after all, would be the poetry of the sea were there no wild waves?” – Joshua Slocum

13. “Let the waves carry you where the light can not.” – Mohit Kaushik

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14. “Waves are not measured in feet or inches, they are measured in increments of fear.” – Buzzy Trent

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15. “Complete peace equally reigns between two mental waves.” – Swami Sivananda

16. “In a mind clear as still water, even the waves, breaking, are reflecting its light.” – Dogen

17. “Being creative on the waves is challenging, but we each create art in our own way.” – Bethany Hamilton

18. “Don’t worry if you’re making waves simply by being yourself. The moon does it all the time.” – Scott Stabile

19. “The waves of the sea help me get back to me.” – Jill Davis

20. “Listen to the sound of waves within you.” – Rumi

Also, check out these California quotes and sayings that will make you want to pack a bag for the coast.
Waves quotes to bring you inner peace
Research by Dr. Michael Depledge and colleagues at the University of Exeter Medical School found that participants exposed to images of natural environments, particularly those with water, exhibited lower levels of stress and anxiety.
This supports the idea that the sight and sound of waves have calming effects on individuals, which is one of the reasons beach lovers and surfers are drawn to waves.
21. “The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea.” – Isak Dinesen

22. “Waves are the voices of tides. Tides are life.” – Tamora Pierce

23. “For a surfer, it’s never-ending. There’s always some wave you want to surf.” – Kelly Slater

24. “The sea, to be happy, like hearts, must be stirred.” – Will Advise

25. “Let the world be as it is and learn to rock with the waves.” – Joseph Campbell

26. “I wasted time and memories on waves.” – Ben Ditmars

27. “He was beneath the waves, a creature crawling the ocean bottom.” – Doppo Kunikida

28. “Like a wave we often float ashore to find something that feels like home.” – Giovannie de Sadeleer

29. “Love fragrances, and colours the breath waves that inspire the heart language.” – Ehsan Sehgal

30. “You are the ocean; everything else is just waves and wind.” – Steve Maraboli

Waves quotes to ease your mind
A 2016 study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, led by Dr. Katherine W. Dillon, found that participants who listened to nature sounds, including the sound of ocean waves, experienced a decrease in stress and an increase in cognitive performance.
This suggests that the calming effect of waves can also help improve focus and mental clarity.
31. “I like being in warm weather. I find that relaxes me. I like being near water. I like sitting on a beach and sort of hearing the water, watching waves break, looking at the shimmering. I find that really relaxing.” – Stephen A. Schwarzman
32. “I love the smell of rain, and I love the sound of the ocean waves.” – Amy Purdy
If you’re enjoying these quotes, you’ll love our collection of rain quotes that will help wash away the stress and bring you the happiness you deserve.
33. “Dance with the waves, move with the sea. Let the rhythm of the water set your soul free.” – Christy Ann Martine
If you’re enjoying these quotes, read our collection of dance quotes to help you find the perfect words about movement.
34. “Sit in reverie and watch the changing color of the waves that break upon the idle seashore of the mind.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
35. “I wish to spend a lifetime near a lighthouse where loneliness will be the glimmer of luminous prancing upon ocean waves… rising and falling only for my breathing.” – Munia Khan
36. “Currents shift and move but it’s only where the water breaks that the wave becomes visible. A pandemonium occurs, where substances collide, and then something new comes into being.” – Clare Strahan
37. “Just like a sunbeam can’t separate itself from the sun, and a wave can’t separate itself from the ocean, we can’t separate ourselves from one another. We are all part of a vast sea of love, one indivisible divine mind.” – Marianne Williamson
38. “When they are gay, the waves echo their gaiety; but when they are sad, then every breaker, as it rolls, seems to bring additional sadness, and to speak to us of hopelessness and of the pettiness of all our joys.” – Baroness Orczy
39. “As the tides of life rise and fall, life is constant, like the waves crashing upon the shore. Persistence is the key in high and low times…”― James A. Murphy
40. “Neither can the wave that has passed by be recalled, nor the hour which has passed return again.” – Ovid
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Waves quotes that will delight you
Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, a marine biologist and author of the book “Blue Mind,” explains that being near water, especially the ocean, can induce a meditative state and release neurochemicals associated with relaxation and stress reduction.
His research indicates that spending time near waves can be an effective way to promote relaxation and enhance one’s overall well-being.
41. “The wave is the signature of every experience of life. By understanding the nature of waves and their characteristics, and applying that understanding to our lives, we can navigate life with a little more grace.”― Jeffrey R. Anderson
42. “Life is a wave, which in no two consecutive moments of its existence is composed of the same particles.” – John Tyndall
43. “Waves are inspiring not because they rise and fail, but because each time they fall. They never fail to rise again.” – Josh Billings
44. “I found myself in a sea in which the waves of joy and sorrow were clashing against each other.” – Naguib Mahfouz
45. “Her happiness floated like waves of ocean along the coast of her life. She found lyrics of her life in his arms but she never sang her song.” – Santosh Kalwar
46. “When the wild wave meets the calm beach, when anger reaches tranquillity, anger disappears, serenity triumphs, the wave experiences enlightenment!” – Mehmet Murat ildan
47. “At dawn the waves looked like mountain ranges tipped with gold as sunbeams slanted low under burgundy clouds.”― David Mitchell
48. “Just as the ocean has waves or the sun has rays, so the minds’s own radiance is its thoughts and emotions.” – Sogyal Rinpoche
49. “The secret of success is to be in harmony with existence, to be always calm to let each wave of life wash us a little farther up the shore.” – Cyril Connolly
50. “Life comes at us in waves. We can’t predict or control those waves, but we can learn to surf.” – Dan Millman
We also have a collection of water quotes about life and progress. Be sure to also check that out.
More waves quotes and sayings
51. “You never really know what’s coming. A small wave, or maybe a big one. All you can really do is hope that when it comes, you can surf over it, instead of drown in its monstrosity.” – Alysha Speer
52. “You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.” – Henry David Thoreau
53. “Love was like the waves in the sea, gentle and good sometimes, rough and terrible at others, but that it was endless and stronger than the sky and earth and everything in between.” – Veronica Rossi
54. “Feelings are much like waves: we can’t stop them from coming, but we can choose which one to surf.” – Jonatan Mårtensson
55. “Be like the cliff against which the waves continually break; but it stands firm and tames the fury of the water around it.” – Marcus Aurelius
56. “True love is the tide that pulls out to sea, but always returns to kiss the shore at sunrise.” – Shannon L. Alder
57. “Let us be the waves of love and let it wash the universe.” – Debasish Mridha
58. “Life is like the ocean. You can either be the ball floating on the waves, or make your own waves.” – Oliver Gaspirtz
59. “Waves tossed themselves against the shore, dragging grit and sand between their nails as they were slowly pulled back out to sea.” – Holly Black
60. “Like the waves of the ocean, they do not disappear. When one goes away, another one appears. Good women make life an amazing wonder.” – Gift Gugu Mona
Love of the waves quotes
61. “Thank God for a few free waves.” – Miki Dora
62. “If you’re having a bad day, catch a wave.” – Frosty Hesson
63. “Big wave surfers are human beings that have powers. They are men of enormous gentility.” – Dorian “Doc” Paskowitz
64. “There are a lot of similarities between music and surfing. There’s a rhythm to both of them and with sound waves and ocean waves, you see patterns, plus the breathing is all part of it.” – Jon Foreman
65. “Life is a lot like surfing… When you get caught in the impact zone, you’ve got to just get back up. Because you never know what may be over the next wave.” – Bethany Hamilton
66. “We’re all equal before a wave.” – Laird Hamilton
67. “My mom always talks about that I used to sit on the beach and watch the waves. [I was trying to figure out] how to utilize the energy in the wave or match that energy.” – Kelly Slater
68. “Riding one of these waves is like being chased down by a moving avalanche.” – Garrett McNamara
69. “I remember going to sleep at night. You see that wave, that wall of water, and that tube. It’s something with being close to nature like that, pretty hard to beat.” – Jack O’Neill
70. “Big wave surfing is like a lost art.” – Mark Foo
Waves Quotes That Make You Want to Be Around the Ocean
71. “I’m like a surfer right now. I’m just surfing the wave. Except that I can’t swim, so I’m on the board trying to hold on tight.” ― Shaggy
72. “You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean.” ― Alan Watts
73. “God created the heavens and the earth, the oceans and the waves for our enjoyment. Surfing is just my way of worshipping Him.” ― Bethany Hamilton
74. “Bliss is the ocean, a towel on the sand, the sun out, the chance to swim in waves or walk dragging a stick behind you, a good book, a cold drink.” ― Deb Caletti
75. “People think of waves as going in an orderly crash – whoosh – crash – whoosh, but in fact there are lots of different crashes and whooshes, all at different stages, and all going off at the same time.” ― Craig Brown
76. “I’m surfing the giant life wave.” ― William Shatner
77. “Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly.” ― Van Morrison
78. “Let the waves of ocean teach you how to love and dance.” ― Debasish Mridha
79. “There is no secret to balance. You just have to feel the waves.” ― Darwi Odrade
80. “Surf the wave of insanity.” ― Steven Magee
Waves Quotes That Sailors and Surfers Can Relate To
81. “Waves keep coming, that’s the one thing you can count on in life.” — Gerry Lopez
82. “Yesterday, I was an ocean. Today, I am just another wave crashing on the shore.” — Nitya Prakash
83. “I love the sounds and the power of pounding water—whether it is the waves or a waterfall.” — Mike May
84. “People choose to struggle when people don’t want to relax. Sometimes, it is not on your side. Relax; calm down. No matter how hard the waves are, you will float on the ocean.” — Kubra Sait
85. “Sometimes, she wants to drift away like ocean waves. And sometimes, she wants to stay still like a river wrapped in solitude.” — Nitya Prakash
86. “Only those who row the boat make waves.” — Christina Dodd
87. “The future crashing into the present like a wave.” — Eren Morgenstern
88. “When the storms rage, God will carry you to the shore, just like a wave.” — Gift Gugu Mona
89. “Stop running after the waves. Let the sea come to you.” — Elif Safak
90. “The winds and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.” — Edward Gibbon
Waves Quotes To Help You Ride Through Life
91. “Wild waves rise and fall when they arrive and that’s what makes the calm sea alive.” — Munia Khan
92. “Life has loveliness to sell, all beautiful and splendid things, blue waves whitened on a cliff, soaring fire that sways and sings, and children’s faces looking up, holding wonder like a cup.” — Sara Teasdale
93. “I pray to be like the ocean, with soft currents, maybe waves at times. More and more, I want consistency rather than the highs and the lows.” — Drew Barrymore
94. “If you are a boat that wants to sail in windy weather, you must be more stubborn than the waves!” — Mehmet Murat ildan
95. “Keep floating in the waves of your dreams till they rise up in your reality.”
― Hiral Nagda
96. “The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination and brings eternal joy to the soul.” — Robert Wylan
97. “Waves are the practice of water. To speak of waves apart from water, or water apart from waves is a delusion.” — Suzuki Roshi
98. “Every wave is new until it breaks.” — Neil Young
99. “Every wave, regardless of how high and forceful it crests, must eventually collapse within itself.” — Stefan Zweig
100. “A wave isn’t like a skate ramp or mountain; everything’s moving around, and you have to know how to move along with it. That’s easier with a slow wave.” — Kelly Slater
Waves Quotes on Surfing and the Power of Nature
101. “Kite surfing is a great way of keeping fit. Kiting is great because you’re bouncing over the waves and you’re surfing the waves. I do quite long kite surfs-50 miles in a day.” ― Richard Branson
102. “All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I’m fine.” ― Sean Penn
103. “There was a house at the foot of the tower, close to the thunder of the waves breaking against the cliffs, where love was more intense because it seemed like a shipwreck.” ― Gabriel Garcia Marquez
104. “If so, then it was also here where I came to know I can survive what hurts. I believed in my capacity to stand back up and run into the waves again and again, no matter the risk.” ― Terry Tempest Williams
105. “Meditation means the mind is turned back upon itself. The mind stops all the thought-waves and the world stops. Your consciousness expands. Every time you meditate you will keep your growth.” ― Swami Vivekananda
106. “Enlightenment for a wave is the moment the wave realizes it is water. At that moment, all fear of death disappears.” ― Nhat Hanh
107. “Passion is like waves; it comes and goes. Compassion is the constant flow.” ― Harbhajan Singh Yogi
108. “My boat strikes something deep. At first sounds of silence, waves. Nothing has happened; Or perhaps everything has happened. and I am sitting in my new life.” ― Rumi
109. “I’m pretty superstitious, I want to do everything right, get my routine right, and I wait for waves. I kinda try to sense the ocean coming together for me.” ― Mark Occhilupo
110. “I remember thinking, “Far out, I can’t believe this,” when I started riding waves. Then I was starting to imagine where it could take me.” ― Mark Occhilupo
Which of these inspirational waves quotes brightens your day the most?
Waves are a powerful and beautiful force of nature.
These waves quotes will prepare you to dive straight into the water.
Have you ever gone to the beach just to enjoy the sound of waves on the shore?
Picture yourself in this peaceful environment whenever you read through this inspiring list of waves quotes.
These sayings will delight you if you love the sandy beach and the waves in the ocean.
Share these incredible quotes with your friends and family to ignite their passion for the sea.
This collection of the best waves quotes will lift your spirits.
If you enjoy going to the beach, you’ll love these inspirational words of wisdom.
Transport your mind to the coast and release the tension from your body and mind.
Read these beachy quotes if you ever seek inspiration or inner peace.
What are your favorite waves quotes and sayings?
Let us know in the comment section below.
January 19, 2022 at 8:06 PM
All of these quotes have so much power , beauty, strength and love behind them. They are all my favorite but the one that hit my heart the most today is
Our feelings are much like waves, we can’t stop them from coming but we can chose the ones we ride