Articles By Danielle Dahl, Managing Editor
The Powerpuff Girls is an American superhero animated television series centered around three kindergarten-aged girls, created for Cartoon Network. The show was originally supposed to be titled, Whoopass...
These Breaking Bad quotes feature some of the funniest lines from all the characters and offer some solid life advice. If you asked my husband if Breaking Bad was the...
These skincare quotes are short and perfect for Instagram, but they are also filled with information from doctors and other skincare experts. You might be surprised...
Just who is John Proctor? Is he a real person, or the fictional character of Arthur Miller’s 1953 play? The answer is both! Of course, these...
These October quotes remind us about the beauty of nature, and the colorful masterpiece that is October. These are just a few of the things to...
These Braveheart quotes about freedom, life and death, betrayal, and character will help inspire you! Braveheart is a film from 1995 directed by and starring Mel...
These Monster’s Inc. quotes come from the delightfully ‘scary’ Disney/Pixar film, which premiered just after Halloween in 2001. It offered us a glimpse into the ‘monsters’...
These Jurassic Park quotes will remind you just how cool the movie was! Jurassic Park, “an adventure 65 million years in the making,” was a cinematic...
Enjoy reading through these Men in Black quotes from the science fiction action comedy films. You may also enjoy our article on: The Men in Black...
Our latest collection of Edna Mode quotes on practical and useful super-suit features. Few animated movie characters possess the fire and snark that Edna Mode, also...