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7 Ways to Improve Self-Discipline

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Whether you’ve been raised with high levels of discipline or grown up completely void of self-restraint, life will always put you in situations that will leave you wondering if you can improve your self-discipline.

Strangely enough, people with well-developed self-discipline are, in fact, happier – at least according to a study conducted by the University of Chicago.

What are the benefits of improving self-discipline?

This idea may seem unlikely for folks who don’t consider themselves well-disciplined.

But believe it or not, one can only attain inner peace and success if one tries to improve self-discipline.

People with good self-discipline:

  • feel more in control of themselves
  • achieve more of their goals and are more successful
  • are often healthier

Here are several methods that can help.

(And here is our collection of discipline quotes for additional motivation.)

7 Ways To Improve Self-Discipline Even When You’re Distracted

1. Turn to mindful meditation.

As soon as you realize that you’re completely overwhelmed, use your awareness to transform that feeling into complete clarity.

You should aim to find your inner stillness in the moments of greatest chaos.

Find a few moments to escape the flood of emails and the incessant ringing of phones and start breathing through the mess.

If you’re new to the practice of mindfulness meditation, it might take you more time than those several moments.

But if you turn it into a daily habit, you’ll be surprised how refreshed and invigorated you will feel.

It’s as if you had a full two-week vacation in the Caribbean without ever having to leave your desk.

Related  How I Learned To Meditate

2. Think in milestones.

First, try to change your mindset from “this is a character flaw,” to “this is an amazing opportunity to grow as a person.”

This will give you the basis for long-term change that you’ll truly appreciate and enjoy.

Start by determining your most difficult tasks that require more discipline and energy.

Then set small milestones with a detailed timetable.

It’s easier for your brain to process smaller tasks than to tackle one enormous challenge.

So map out your work by dividing it into meaningful chunks.

This will help improve self-discipline- and make it easier for you to focus.

3. Get plenty of Zzzs.

A restless mind is usually exactly that—a mind that hasn’t had a decent chance to take a breather and reboot for the next set of daily problems.

Quality sleep is sometimes all you need to maintain a clear focus and strong dedication.

Don’t just succumb to sudden urges to watch funny videos or reach for that chocolate bar.

If you’re one of those people who have trouble falling asleep, start by setting a strict sleeping schedule.

This is so your body can reset its biological mechanisms.

Make sure your behavior is conducive to a good night’s sleep: take a warm bath, read a book, or sip your favorite tea.

4. Fuel up on the right munchies.

What you eat is essential in how well your mind can operate under pressure.

A slew of scientific research papers have concluded that a lack of vitamin B complex can affect memory and clear thinking.

Sugar can also be highly detrimental to all your mental processes and brain functions.

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Too much consumption can lead to severe chronic conditions like dementia or type-2 diabetes.

Craft a healthy yet versatile diet plan to ensure a proper intake of ALL essential micro and macronutrients for your long-term well-being.

If you need an extra boost, you can turn to products that supplement any of your dietary deficiencies and help you increase your productivity naturally.

5. Break a sweat.

Known to improve your overall health, physical activity reinforces positive behavior because it requires a decent amount of self-discipline.

Explore your options.

Try any sport or activity that will inspire you, whether running, lifting, yoga, or dancing.

Make it a regular part of your schedule.

Keep every appointment the way you would never skip going to your dentist.

By introducing structure, you improve self-discipline and revel in the ultimate results.

6. Treat yourself.

If a chocolate chip cookie is your guilty pleasure, depriving yourself entirely of the little things that make you savor life will only destroy your desire to stick to your goals.

To prevent – or at least meet – those desperate moments, schedule your daily treat to reward yourself for all the hard work.

It can be that cookie, a half-hour walk in the park, a relaxing massage, a chat with your best friend – whatever will make you feel as if you’ve just recharged your batteries.

7. Be forgiving.

The journey to improve self-discipline is no easy endeavor.

That’s why you should brace yourself for inevitable failures and slip-ups.

Instead of beating yourself up whenever you cannot accomplish a task, strive to find out what caused the setback.

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Then move on with even greater resolution.

You can start improving your self-discipline right now

There’s no time to dwell on the negatives.

Life is simply too short and too wonderful for that.

So, prepare for the hurdles, maintain a stubbornly positive mindset, and greet your next challenge with the same dedication and vigor.

In the comment section below, let us know how improved self-discipline has improved your life.

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