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Garden Quotes That Inspire Kindness

Stephanie Kirby, Content Writer
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These garden quotes show the connection between life and nature and will inspire you to act in kindness. 

To those that aren’t familiar with gardening and plants, a flower might look like a flower, or a weed may even look like a flower.

However, those that enjoy working in the garden discover that there are a lot of life lessons that can be learned from the process.

One of the lessons that you can learn is the impact that kindness has when taking care of plants, the same way it makes an impact on people. 

Whether you enjoy getting your hands dirty in the earth, enjoy looking at the flowers, or are just looking for a little inspiration, you can enjoy these gardening quotes. 

Don’t forget to also check out these inspirational sunflower quotes to learn from.

If you like this article, we suggest you explore our most popular quotes article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily encouragement. 

Check out more inspirational quotes on our motivational quotes category page.

Garden quotes on the impact that a garden can make

1.) “He plants trees to benefit another generation.” – Caecilius Statius

garden quotes about he plants trees to benefit another generation

You will also enjoy our article on kindness quotes.

2.) “By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower.” – Rabindranath Tagore

garden quotes about by the beauty of the flower

3.) “Gardeners, I think, dream bigger dreams than emperors.” – Mary Cantwell

garden quotes about gardeners

4.) “A garden is always a series of losses set against a few triumphs, like life itself.” – May Sarton

garden quotes about a garden is always a series of losses set against a few triumphs, like life itself

5.) “Flowers are restful to look at. They have neither emotions nor conflicts.” – Sigmund Freud

garden quotes about flowers are restful to look at. They have neither emotions nor conflicts

6.) “When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden.” – Minnie Aumonier

garden quotes about when the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden

7.) “The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.” – Dalai Lama

garden quotes about the roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness

Garden quotes on doing things for others

8.) “Use plants to bring life.” – Douglas Wilson

garden quotes about use plants to bring life

9.) “Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.” – A.A. Milne

garden quotes about weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them

10.) “It will never rain roses: when we want to have more roses, we must plant more trees.” – George Eliot

garden quotes about it will never rain roses: when we want to have more roses, we must plant more trees

If you’re enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of rose quotes that celebrate the beautiful flower.

11.) “A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” – Greek proverb

garden quotes about a society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade

12.) “The greatest service which can be rendered any country is to add a useful plant to its culture.” – Thomas Jefferson

garden quotes from Thomas Jefferson

13.) “Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.” – Luther Burbank

garden quotes being happier and more helpful

14.) “A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life when he plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will never sit.” – D. Elton Trueblood

garden quotes on discovering the mening of humman life

15.) “I want it said of me by those who knew me best, that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I thought a flower would grow.” – Abraham Lincoln

garden quotes from Abraham Lincoln

16.) “Life begins the day you start a garden.” – Chinese proverb

garden quotes about life begins the day you start a garden

17.) “I plant a lot of trees. I am a great believer in planting things for future generations. I loathe the now culture where you just live for today.” – Penelope Keith

garden quotes for future generations

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Garden quotes that will make your day

18.) “The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul.” – Alfred Austin

garden quotes that will make your day

19.) “When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden.” – Minnie Aumonier

garden quotes about when the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden

20.) “Gardening is a matter of your enthusiasm holding up until your back gets used to it.” – Author Unknown

garden quotes about gardening is a matter of your enthusiasm holding up until your back gets used to it

21.) “Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace.” – May Sarton

garden quotes about patience

22.) “A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust.” — Gertrude Jekyll 

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garden quotes about it teaches patience and careful watchfulness

23.) “You have to get up and plant the seed and see if it grows, but you can’t just wait around, you have to water it and take care of it.” – Bootsy Collins

garden quotes about you have to get up and plant the seed and see if it grows

24.) “If you wish to make anything grow, you must understand it, and understand it in a very real sense. ‘Green fingers’ are a fact, and a mystery only to the unpracticed. But green fingers are the extensions of a verdant heart.” – Russell Page

garden quotes about to make anything grow

25.) “A garden requires patient labor attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them.” – Liberty Hyde Bailey

garden quotes about a garden requires patient labor attention

26.) “Gardening simply does not allow one to be mentally old, because too many hopes and dreams are yet to be realized.” – Allan Armitage

garden quotes about gardening simply does not allow one to be mentally old

27.) “A life without dreams is like a garden without flowers.” – Unknown

garden quotes about a life without dreams is like a garden without flowers

28.) “The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies, but never grows to the enduring happiness that the love of gardening gives.” – Gertrude Jekyll

garden quotes about the love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies

If you’re enjoying this article, be sure to also check out our collection of healthy eating quotes celebrating better food choices.

Garden quotes that are full of life lessons

29.) “Plant so your own heart will grow.” – Hafiz

garden quotes on plant so your own heart will grow

30.) “The lesson I have thoroughly learnt, and wish to pass on to others, is to know the enduring happiness that the love of a garden gives.” – Gertrude Jekyll

garden quotes that are full of life lessons

31.) “With just a little drop of kindness, you can water a whole garden.” – Heather Wolf

32.) “The heart is the garden that always has room for the flowers of kindness and friendship to bloom.” – Unknown

33.) “Kind hearts are the gardens, kind thoughts are the roots, kind words are the flowers, kind deeds are the fruits, take care of your garden and keep out the weeds, fill it with sunshine kind words, and kind deeds.” – Unknown

34.) “You are the creator of your own garden. Plant kindness and compassion. Water with love and gratitude. And you will enjoy beauty all the days of your life.” – Julie Parker

35.) “A soul without kindness is like a garden without plants and flowers.” – Debasish Mridha

36.) “As perfume to the flower, so is kindness to speech.” – Katherine Francke

37.) “Show me your garden and I shall tell you what you are.” – Alfred Austin

38.) “Help us to be ever faithful gardeners of the spirit, who know that without darkness nothing comes to birth, and without light nothing flowers.” – May Sarton

39.) “Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens refect the kind of care they get.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

40.) “A weed is but an unloved flower.” – Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Don’t forget to also read these beautiful flower quotes that will make you appreciate the beauty around you.

Garden quotes to explore and share

41.) “Fertilizer does no good in a heap, but a little spread around work miracles all over.” – Richard Brinsley Sheridan

42.) “If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero

43.) “The single greatest lesson the garden teaches is that our relationship to the planet need not be zero-sum, and that as long as the sun still shines and people still can plan and plant, think and do, we can, if we bother to try, find ways to provide for ourselves without diminishing the world.”  – Michael Pollan

44.) “Essential advice for the gardener: grow peas of mind, lettuce be thankful, squash selfishness, turnip to help thy neighbor, and always make thyme for loved ones.” – Unknown

45.) “How fair is a garden amid the trials and passions of existence.” – Benjamin Disraeli

46.) “The flower which is single, need not envy thorns that are numerous.” – Rabindranath Tagore

47.) “The flower that smells the sweetest is shy and lowly.” – William Wordsworth

48.) “A good garden may have some weeds.” – Thomas Fuller

49.) “When people will not weed their own minds, they are apt to be overrun by nettles.” – Horace Walpole

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50.) “Plants want to grow; they are on your side as long as you are reasonably sensible.” – Anne Wareham

Don’t forget to also check out these farmer quotes that will make you love the land.

Garden quotes that will brighten your day

51. “There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.” – Janet Kilburn Phillips

52. “It was such a pleasure to sink one’s hands into the warm earth, to feel at one’s fingertips the possibilities of the new season.” – Kate Morton

53. “The garden suggests there might be a place where we can meet nature halfway.” – Michael Pollan

54. “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” – Audrey Hepburn

55. “The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” – Alfred Austin

56. “Planting a garden with food potential is one of the most valuable things we can do.” – Isabell Shipard

57. “Gardening is how I relax. It’s another form of creating and playing with colors.” – Oscar de la Rentawn

58. “Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” – OG Mandino

59. “My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece.” – Claude Monet

60. “Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint, and the soil and sky as canvas.” – Elizabeth Murray

Garden quotes to inspire and teach

61. “A garden is a delight to the eye and a solace for the soul.” – Saadi

62. “People are beautifully made just like flowers in the garden!” – Mwanandeke Kindembo

63. “Your garden is a place where your body and soul can be in dialogue with your surroundings.” – Shoukei Matsumoto

64. “What people see in a garden is a reflection of what is in their heart.” – Shoukei Matsumoto

65. “In a world full of roses, stand out like a dandelion in the middle of a green, plush lawn!” – June Stoyer

66. “If I had a rose for every day I thought of her, I would have a garden full.” – Giovannie de Sadeleer

67. “How beautiful is God’s Garden and yet most people don’t see it.” – Roland R Kemler

68. “The peace of the gardens and the kindly lights in the windows poured a tender influence into his restless heart.” – James Joyce

69. “There is something divine, something artistic, and something supreme in reading a book in a peaceful garden.” – Mehmet Murat ildan

70. “True joy blossoms in the garden of inner peace.” – Milan Ljubincic

More garden quotes and sayings

71. “A garden’s beauty never lies in one flower.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

72. “Nothing is all bad. There are very beautiful flowers in the desert amidst the spikes and thorns. Just don’t let them take over. In the garden of love, there is little room for prickly things.” – Kate McGahan

73. “If you stop tending to flowers when they lose a few petals, you will never grow a garden.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

74. “A seed is its own world, a garden is its own universe.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

75. “Planting your own garden is better than waiting for someone to bring you flowers.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

76. “A school of knowledge is located in your backyard garden.” – Bert McCoy

77. “One seed shall not make a garden one plant makes a garden.” – J. Tisa

78. “I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden.” – Ruth Stout

79. “Gardens are not made by singing ‘Oh, how beautiful!’ and sitting in the shade.” – Rudyard Kipling

80. “When you increase the number of gardens, you increase the number of heavens too!” – Mehmet Murat ildan

Beautiful garden quotes

81. “What’s a butterfly garden without butterflies?” – Roy Rogers

82. “Who loves a garden loves a greenhouse too. ” – William Cowper

83. “I’ve always felt that having a garden is like having a good and loyal friend. ” – C.Z. Guest

84. “A brier rose whose buds yield fragrant harvest for the honey bee. ” – Leitia Elizabeth Landon

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85. “Flowers are happy things. ” – P.G. Wodehouse

86. “A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world.” – Leo Buscaglia

87. “In search of my mother’s garden, I found my own.” – Alice Walker

88. “Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where I can walk undisturbed.” – Walt Whitman

89. “Well, I do find the beauty in animals. I find beauty everywhere. I find beauty in my garden.” – Doris Day

90. “You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming.” – Pablo Neruda

Lifegiving garden quotes

91. “In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” -Margaret Atwood

92. “Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!” -SItting Bull

93. “The best place to find God is in a garden.” -George Bernard Shaw

94. “Isn’t it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?” -Douglas Adams

95. “We must cultivate our own garden. When man was put in the garden of Eden he was put there so that he should work, which proves that man was not born to rest.” -Voltaire

96. “Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get.” -H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

97. “God Almighty first planted a garden. And indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures.” -Francis Bacon

98. “A garden must combine the poetic and the mysterious with a feeling of serenity and joy.” -Luis Barragan

99. “I like gardening – it’s a place where I find myself when I need to lose myself.” -Alice Sebold

100. “If your knees aren’t green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.” -Bill Watterson

Garden Quotes For Celebrating A Gardener’s Passion 

101. “No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden.” — Thomas Jefferson

102. “I don’t like formal gardens. I like nature. It’s just the wilderness instinct in me, I guess.” — Walt Disney

103. “Kiss of the sun for pardon. Song of the birds for mirth. You’re closer to God’s heart in a garden than any place else on earth.” — Dorothy Frances Gurney

104. “Gardening is not a rational act.” — Margaret Atwood

105. “Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same.” — Helen Keller

106. “Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.” — Oscar Wilde

107. “Gardening is a humbling experience.” — Martha Stewart

108. “There is nothing pleasanter than spading when the ground is soft and damp.” — John Steinbeck

109. “Almost every person, from childhood, has been touched by the untamed beauty of wildflowers.” — Lady Bird Johnson

110. “It’s true that I have a wide range of interests. I like to write and paint and make music and go walking on my own and garden. In fact, gardening is probably what I enjoy doing more than anything else.” — Viggo Mortensen

What do you learn in your garden?

Next time you are in your garden, think about these gardening quotes and the lessons you can learn yourself and pass on to others from the work that you do to grow your plants and flowers.

Or, if you don’t enjoy gardening on your own, take a walk through another garden or even nature at it’s best and let the beauty and peacefulness of it inspire you in your actions towards others. 

Consider the way others flourish under a kind and gentle spirit the same way a garden does under kind care. 

Keep these quote reminders close at heart for those long winter days when you miss the beauty of the garden in spring and summer. 

What’s your biggest takeaway from these garden quotes and sayings?

Do you have any other favorite quotes to add?

Let us know in the comment section below.

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