My Sidekick: A tribute to my mother (poem)
March 25, 2016 12:00 AM EST | 3 min read
The poem is what I wrote when my mother unexpectedly went to the hospital in 2010.
I was by her bedside for the 4 days she was there.
She was in and out of consciousness for 3 straight days.
Her emergency visit was a result of her being subscribed a new blood pressure medication.
On the third day, the doctor was concerned that she potentially could have a stroke if her pressure didn’t normalize.
That was the day that spiritual action had to take place.
After I asked all family members to leave my mother and I alone, I went into deep meditation.
I held her hand, and began giving all power to the Universe.
It was at that time when I wrote “My Sidekick:”
My Sidekick
Never a day have I seen the Superman sick.
Never a day have I seen Wonder Woman sneeze.
Never a day, have I seen my Spiderman take a sick day.
Never a day, have I seen a real superhero – old or new, ripped off or original – with any true ailment… until today.
My hero is in the hospital.
She laughs when people visit.
She jokes.
She’s still radiant as people enter into the mercurial space known as the hospital room.
I watch my hero as she takes her mask off when her friends and kin leave.
Letting only her true identity be shown to me.
She’s my mother.
And I’m her sidekick.
Every hero has one.
I see the pain.
I see the fear.
I see the sadness.
I do what I can to hold in the tears.
I get on Facebook.
I meditate.
I watch disturbing videos on Youtube.
That’s my mask.
To hide my face from the trueness of pain.
But with every beep of the EKG, with every drip of the IV, with every moan coming from my lethargic hero… my mask begins to disintegrate.
My true identity is also revealed.
Like my hero.
I too am scared.
I too am afraid.
I too am sad.
This enables me to realize that regardless of how much of a man I am.
How many hurdles I’ve jumped.
How many people I’ve saved.
I’m still just a sidekick… wishing my hero would return.
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The next day, my mother awoke as if nothing was wrong
She was asking why she had all those wires connected to her and pressing to go back to her home.
She was 100% back to normal.
Her blood pressure as leveled out and everything with her physically was copacetic.
It was amazing.
We left that night and I shared with her what had happen.
I shared the above with her and teared up.
This was a moment in which we truly witnessed the power of meditation, prayer, and harmonious interaction with our Universe.
Our family is now more spiritually empowered than ever.
A year later, I sold the movie, “The Sidekick,” which was inspired by this poem to an animation company in China.
I am now turning the movie into a mobile game.