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Hal Elrod Quotes About Making Today A Miracle

Norbert Juma, Editor
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Hal Elrod quotes

1. “Gratitude and complaining cannot co-exist simultaneously. Choose the one that best serves you.”  – Hal Elrod

Hal Elrod Quotes about gratitude

You will also enjoy our article on actions speak louder than words quotes.

2. “The greatest gift you can give to others is to fulfill YOUR potential, so that you can show them how to fulfill theirs.”  – Hal Elrod

Hal Elrod Quotes about potential

3. “There is a fine line between optimism and delusion. I cross it often.” – Hal Elrod

Hal Elrod Quotes about optimism

4. “Replace your judgments with empathy, upgrade your complaining to gratitude, and trade in your fear for love.” – Hal Elrod

Hal Elrod Quotes about empathy

5. “The more value you add to someone’s life, the more valuable you become to them.”  – Hal Elrod

Hal Elrod Quotes about life

6. “Give up being perfect for being authentic. Be who you are. Love who you are. Others will too.”  – Hal Elrod

Hal Elrod Quotes about being authentic

7. “Make bold moves toward your dreams each day, refuse to stop, and nothing can stop you.” – Hal Elrod

Hal Elrod Quotes about dreams

8. “It’s okay to be average, as long as you surround yourself with extraordinary people that you become the average of.” – Hal Elrod

powerful Hal Elrod Quotes

9. “Where you are is a result of who you were, but where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be.”  – Hal Elrod

Hal Elrod Quotes about progress

10. “It’s true that everything happens for a reason, but it is always our responsibility to choose the reasons.” – Hal Elrod

insightful Hal Elrod Quotes

11. “Love the life you have while you create the life of your dreams. Don’t think you have to wait for the latter to do the former.“ – Hal Elrod

Hal Elrod Quotes about love

12. “The #1 cause of unfulfilled potential is never deciding that NOW matters more than any other time in your life. IT DOES.”  – Hal Elrod

Hal Elrod Quotes about life

13. “Life isn’t about wishing you were somewhere, or someone that you’re not. Life is about enjoying where you are, loving who you are, and consistently improving both.”  – Hal Elrod

Relatable Hal Elrod Quotes

14. “They say misery loves company, but so does mediocrity. Don’t let the limiting beliefs of OTHERS limit what’s possible for YOU.” – Hal Elrod

Short Hal Elrod Quotes

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15. “The moment you accept responsibility for EVERYTHING in your life is the moment you gain the power to change ANYTHING in your life.” – Hal Elrod

Inspirational Hal Elrod Quotes

16. “There is nothing to fear, because you cannot fail – only LEARN, GROW, and become BETTER than you’ve ever been before.” – Hal Elrod

Wise and inspirational Hal Elrod Quotes

17. “Don’t worry about trying to impress people. Just focus on how you can add value to their lives.”– Hal Elrod

Appreciation Hal Elrod Quotes

18. “Who you’re becoming is far more important than what you’re doing, and yet it is what you’re doing that is determining who you’re becoming.” – Hal Elrod

Amazing Hal Elrod Quotes

19. “You must establish and maintain the beliefs that you are capable, committed, and destined to achieve your goals.” – Hal Elrod

Cool Hal Elrod Quotes

20. “Every single one of us already has everything we need to be the happiest person on earth; it’s simply up to us to remember that in every moment.” – Hal Elrod

Motivational Hal Elrod Quotes

21. “When you live with integrity and value your word over your excuses, you have the power to speak your dreams into existence.” – Hal Elrod

Random Hal Elrod Quotes

22. “Although actions speak louder than words, it is a our truest intentions which reveal our soul.” – Hal Elrod

Top Hal Elrod Quotes

23. “Let today be the day you give up who you’ve been for who you can become.”  – Hal Elrod

Hal Elrod Quotes to inspire you

24. “Don’t beat yourself up for not being perfect. But you might want to kick your own a## if you’re not trying to get better.” – Hal Elrod

Hal Elrod Quotes to motivate you

25. “To reach levels of success you’ve never reached before, you must be committed at a level you’ve never been committed at before.” – Hal Elrod

Hal Elrod Quotes to helping others
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