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25 Fight Club Quotes that Get Your Adrenaline Pumping

Stephanie Kirby, Content Writer
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If you liked the book or the movie, you’re sure to enjoy these Fight Club quotes.

Fight Club is a 1999 movie starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton and is about an underground fight club.

Edward Norton plays a nameless 1st person narrator who is a straight-laced personality.

He ends up meeting up with Brad Pitt, who plays Tyler and is introduced to Fight Club, as well as an entirely different way of living.

Going from stability to unpredictability leads Edward Norton’s character down many different paths.

While Norton and Pitt live together, they end up vying competitively for love and power and both of their lives start to spiral out of control.

Enjoy these Fight Club quotes!

Don’t forget to also check out these Brad Pitt quotes from one of the most famous actors.

Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration.

Check out our entire collection of motivational quotes here. 

Best Fight Club quotes by Tyler

1. “Fight Club *was* the beginning.” Tyler

Best Fight Club quotes by Tyler

2. “The things you own end up owning you.” Tyler

Cool Fight Club quotes

3. “Technically *you’re* fucking Marla, but it’s all the same to her.” Tyler

4. “We are consumers. We’re the by-products of a lifestyle obsession.” Tyler

Top Fight Club quotes

5. “Man, you’ve got some fucked up friends, I’m tellin’ ya. Limber, though…” Tyler

Random Fight Club quotes

6. “This is a chemical burn. It will hurt more than you’ve ever been burned before. You will have a scar.” Tyler

Amazing Fight Club quotes

7. “Did you know if you mixed equal parts of gasoline, orange juice concentrate you can make napalm?” Tyler

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Special Fight Club quotes

8. “I say never be complete. I say stop being perfect. I say let’s evolve. Let the chips fall where they may.” Tyler

Favorite Fight Club quotes

9. “You’re not your job. You’re not how much money you have in the bank. You’re not the car you drive. You’re not the contents of your wallet. You’re not your fucking khakis. You’re the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.” Tyler

Unique Fight Club quotes

10. “Wait. Let me start earlier. Like many of you, I was stuck. I couldn’t sleep. I’d flip through catalogs and wonder what kind of dining set defines me as a person? This is your life and it’s ending one minute at a time. I prayed for a different life. And this is how I met Tyler Durden.” Tyler

Best Fight Club quotes

Check out more Tyler Durden quotes.

Other famous Fight Club quotes and lines by Tyler

11. “Where’d you go, psycho boy?” Tyler

Other famous Fight Club quotes and lines by Tyler

12. “I want you to hit me as hard as you can.” Tyler

Other Fight Club quotes

13. “You decide your own level of involvement!” Tyler

Wise Fight Club quotes

14. “You wanna make an omelet, you gotta break some eggs.” Tyler

Funny Fight Club quotes

15. “Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.” Tyler

Motivational Fight Club quotes

16. “The first rule of project mayhem is you do not ask questions.” Tyler

Wise and inspirational Fight Club quotes

17. “It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.” Tyler

Appreciation Fight Club quotes

18. “If you aren’t on your way to becoming a vet in six weeks, you will be dead.” Tyler

Cool Fight Club quotes

19. “Now, a question of etiquette – as I pass, do I give you the ass or the crotch?” Tyler

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Special Fight Club quotes

20. “Fight Club was the beginning, now it’s moved out of the basement, it’s called Project Mayhem.” Tyler

Meaningful Fight Club quotes

21. “It could be worse. A woman could cut your penis off and throw it out the window of a moving car.” Tyler

Fight Club quotes for Instagram

22. “Okay! You are now firing a gun at your imaginary friend, next to 40,000 POUNDS OF NITROGLYCERINE!” Tyler

Fight Club quotes and sayings

23. “First rule of fight club: Do not talk about fight club. Second rule of fight club: DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB!” Tyler

Fight Club quotes to inspire you

24. “Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of Raymond K. Hessel’s life. His breakfast will taste better than any meal you and I have ever tasted.” Tyler

Fight Club quotes to helping others

Fight Club quotes and sayings by the Narrator

25. “I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.” the Narrator

Fight Club quotes and sayings by the Narrator

Which of these Fight Club quotes is your favorite?

As you can see from the quotes above, Fight Club is a darker movie and focuses a lot on unhappiness.

There are many twists in the plot and (Spoiler Alert) we come to find out that the Narrator and Tyler are one and the same and that the Narrator has dissociated personalities.

He suffers from insomnia, and when the Narrator is awake he is the Narrator, but when he believes he is asleep he becomes Tyler.

As Fight Club continues to grow, the Narrator’s other personality (Tyler) starts to take over and takes the Fight Club members and leads them in engaging in illegal activities.

We see the battle for the lead personality between the Narrator and Tyler getting more intense as the movie moves on.

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