9 Energy Surging Ways To Be Positive In Life
May 5, 2019 12:00 AM EST | 11 min read
Become A Positive Person + Renew Energy
As far as I can tell, everyone wants to be as positive a person as they can be.
The only problem is that most people have difficulty getting their self out of low vibration emotions and debilitating thoughts once they have slipped down into them.
That’s where I was for a long time and eventually, as a result, I attracted a long-term illness which kept me in bed for 90% of the time over a 2-year period.
Did you know that scientific studies have measured the human body during times of wellness and times of illness and found that negative thoughts actually do lower the body’s energy level to the same vibration as illness?
This could explain why happy people tend to be healthier than people who dwell on negative thoughts.
Well, that described me fully.
I had been dwelling on negative thoughts for at least 3 years prior to my illness.
And, it only got worse as my physical wellness became more and more depleted.
It was at the point that I finally surrendered to the fact that all I could do was sleep and eat that I experienced my breakthrough towards being a positive person.
For years I had been eating poorly and sleeping less and less in order to ‘catch up’ with all the work that I thought I had to complete and all the goals I felt I had to accomplish.
I truly believed that if I worked long days for a while, I would eventually catch up and have time to relax and breathe.
Of course, the truth is that the more activity we do, the more activities we generate – the more phone calls, the more meetings, the more emails and social media posts and tweets, etc.
Once I was no longer able to give any energy to the ‘work’ I thought was so important, I discovered that life went on for others without me.
I was not indispensable after all.
When I allowed myself to stop feeling that self-imposed pressure, I gave myself permission to rest, to nourish my body, to spend time with my husband and my pups, to exercise (slowly at first), to read books purely for pleasure, to watch ‘The Ellen Show’ simply because she makes me laugh.
As I became more rested and more nourished, I noticed how much happier and lighter I started feeling.
That was then I made a pact with myself that I would create a set of tools and resources that I would use every day to keep my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy as high as possible.
I call these tools and resources my ‘Energy Surges.’
By practicing these Energy Surges, my energy was quickly restored and then increased to a higher level than I had ever experienced.
Since that time, I have taught these simple practices to thousands of people through my books, audios, workshops and presentations.
Now, it is my joy to share them with you here:
Energy Surge #1:
Scheduling For Success
The extent to which a goal can be fulfilled is the dependent upon the amount of intention that is committed towards the achievement of that goal.
An “intention” – in my world — is the motivation and the commitment to achieve the goal.
Intention is the power directed into the fulfillment of the goal.
Intentions are the ‘why’ we schedule all the planned conversations, activities, meetings, and projects we create to achieve each one of our goals.
And, all those planned conversations, activities, meetings and projects are intentional activities and each will have a ‘by when’ date attached to it!
A ‘by when’ date is the date by which you want to complete this intentional activity so that the goal can be achieved as quickly as possible.
It is much easier to have a positive outlook when our goals are being achieved!
Energy Surge #2:
Do It Your Way Any Way You Can
I heard master motivator Zig Ziglar state this truth in the 1990’s at an empowerment seminar and it changed my life in that moment.
Up to that point, I was a perfectionist.
If I could not do something right the first time…I simply would not even attempt it.
Yet, upon hearing this amazing, transformative statement: “Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly…the first time”, I had been allowing myself to stay stuck in not knowing…rather than experimenting, or playing, or researching, or asking for help…anything that would help me to take the first step poorly on my way to perfecting my plan.
Now, I approach a new project or activity with a sense of play and I am not afraid to ask for help from those who may have more experience that area than I do.
It is much easier to have a positive outlook when we feel free to experiment and make mistakes as we learn!
Energy Surge #3:
Tending To Your Goals Garden
Many people throughout history have compared the development of a goal to the life cycle of nature.
The cycle is Seeding, Sprouting, Blooming and Resting.
What I love about this concept is that it provides me with a consistent energy surge – a reminder that while I focus on achieving a goal – such as becoming a positive person — I am going to move through a cycle of discovery and growth.
It is much easier to have a positive outlook when we are not pushing the goal to bloom before its time!
Energy Surge #4:
Surround Your Self with Positive People
It is challenging to remain positive when the people around us choose to focus on the negative.
If we are truly committed to being a positive person, then it is up to us to seek out and spend as much time as possible with positive people so that our outlook becomes more positive.
When I first became ill, I realized that I had very few friends that I considered to be positive people.
Because I was confined to my bed, it was easy to stop hanging out with them.
I am fortunate that my husband always has a positive view of the world or can find humor in any situation.
I enjoy spending as much time as possible with him.
And, as I mentioned earlier, when I was recuperating, I chose to watch ‘The Ellen Show’ every day at 3:00 p.m. because I knew her positive humor would make me laugh.
Also, when she interviews her guests, she asks questions that shine a positive light on them.
The music on her show is also upbeat.
For that hour, I was fully immersed in a positive experience.
As I started to feel better, I found a positive-thinking hair stylist, nail technician, massage therapist, doctor, etc.
And I also started hanging out in positive-focused groups on Facebook, Meetup, and Google.
It is much easier to be a positive person when there is no room for negative people in our life because we have an abundance of positive people who surround and support us.
Energy Surge #5:
Read and Practice ‘The 4 Agreements’ by don Miguel Ruiz

“In the book, The Four Agreements®, don Miguel Ruiz “reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering.
Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, The Four Agreements® offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love.”*
I was so empowered by reading The Four Agreements® by don Miguel Ruiz, I chose to consciously practice each of the Agreements in every conversation – written and/or verbal — I have with others in order to create more harmonious relationships.
In doing so, I have a stronger and more loving relationship with myself, which creates a positive outlook on my life.
It is much easier to be a positive person when we are “impeccable with our word” (Agreement #1), we don’t make assumptions (Agreement #2), we don’t take things personally (Agreement #3), and we do our best in each moment (Agreement #4).
Energy Surge #6:
Show Love and Appreciation to Others and to Our Self
All too often, when we focus our attention on what others have and we do not, we fall into a state of negative thinking.
Comparison and desire can lead to frustration and envy.
At least it did for me.
So, I no longer allow myself time to compare their ‘haves’ to my ‘don’t haves’.
Instead, I focus only on my ‘haves’!
The practice of acknowledging and appreciating what I already have brings me more of what I desire simply, easily and with velocity.
And, this includes showing appreciation to the people in my life who engage in positive conversations with me, who contribute to my well-being and my prosperity.
The more I appreciate my own talents, gifts and skills to myself, I leave no time for negative self-talk.
And, the more I express appreciation to the people in my life, the happier I am and I can see a direct correlation to an increase in appreciation I receive in return.
It is much easier to be a positive person when we are feeling appreciated.
Energy Surge #7:
Release all ‘Shoulds’ and Obligations
Whenever I share this Energy Surge with others, they usually say, “Easier said than done.” And, I agree.
Yet, the more I stop ‘shoulding’ on myself, the happier and more productive I become.
I remind myself that I always have a choice whether or not to do something.
Just because someone asks me to do it, does not mean I must say ‘yes.’
I also remember that no one would want me to do something just because I feel ‘obligated’ to do it.
So, unless I feel that I truly choose to accept someone’s request because it will make me happy if I do, then I won’t do it.
Instead I say, “Thank you for asking.
That does not work for me.”
To ensure I don’t feel guilty about my decision, I have created this personal affirmation: “My body is a temple.
I clear and clean my body, heart, and soul.
I loving and willingly release all that no longer serves me in a positive and progressive way.
I now attract inspiring, enjoyable people, places, and events into my life!
I trust that all of my needs are met as they arise all the time.”
It is much easier to be a positive person when I keep my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual ‘space’ clear and free of ‘shoulds.’
Energy Surge #8:
Take Regular Rest Stops
As I explained above, the more I worked, the more tired I became, the more negative my outlook on life became, the more unwell I became.
I now believe that taking regular rest stops – as little as even a minute – to catch my breath, eat something nourishing, chat with a friend, take a nap, play with my dogs – in between my work-related activities is what helps me to continue to stay physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually well.
It is much easier to be a positive person when all 4 of our bodies feel rested.
Energy Surge #9:
Make the Best Feeling Choices
Most people become confused as soon as a decision or a choice arises they must make.
They stop to reflect on possible outcomes, yet the longer they dwell on their choices, the more confused they become.
The more confused they become, the lower their energy becomes.
In an attempt to release their selves from their confusion, they start asking other people these 4 automatically dis-empowering words: “What Should I Do?
When we ask someone else to tell us what to do, we have abdicated our own power – our own inner-knowingness – our own ultimate wisdom.
That is what I used to do all the time.
That is until the day I remembered most, if not all, spiritual belief systems are based on the concept that the two most powerful energies are ‘love’ and ‘fear.’
Love is the harmonizing empowering force of nature while Fear is the exact opposite.
Fear generates anger, frustration, confusion, agitation, and dis-harmony.
Therefore, decisions made from Love will be quite different than those based on Fear.
You may wish to take a moment now to consider a decision you made recently.
Did you base your decision on the principle of Love or was your decision generated from Fear?
It is much easier to be a positive person when we feel our decisions are energizing and empowering and support us to take an action from a sense of desire, passion, commitment, and/or intention.
*”From the book The Four Agreements ©1997, Miguel Angel Ruiz, M.D.
Reprinted with permission of Amber-Allen Publishing, Inc. P.O. Box 6657, San Rafael, CA 94903. All rights reserved.”