Young Sheldon Quotes About Everyone’s Favorite TV Physicist
August 10, 2022 6:30 AM EST
If you can’t get enough of Sheldon Cooper then you’ll enjoy these Young Sheldon quotes.
Young Sheldon is a hit television series that is a spinoff of the previously long-running series The Big Bang Theory.
In The Big Bang Theory, one of the main characters is named Sheldon Cooper.
He is a genius physicist who has a difficult time relating to the average person.
The show is about him and his group of friends.
It lasted for an astounding 12 years.
The spinoff Young Sheldon is exactly like it sounds.
It covers the backstory of Sheldon Cooper.
In the first season, the character was a nine-year-old.
But just like Sheldon is in The Big Bang Theory, child Sheldon is also unlike the average kid as you’ll see in these Young Sheldon quotes.
Don’t forget to also check out our collection of The Big Bang Theory quotes to reminisce about the series.
If you enjoy this article, check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily motivation.
Browse our entire collection of inspirational quotes for more motivating ideas and concepts.
Memorable Young Sheldon quotes
1. “I’m only nine years old. Most evil doesn’t start till puberty.” ― Sheldon

2. “Did you know that if gravity were slightly more powerful, the universe would collapse into a ball?” ― Sheldon

You will also enjoy our article on Bad Santa quotes.
3. “I can’t see myself living in California. I don’t trust their carefree lifestyle.” ― Sheldon

4. “I needed to get on the shuttle so I could escape this ridiculous planet. Spoiler alert, I’m still here.” ― Sheldon

5. “Welcome to the church of Mathology. Today I’d like to talk about prime numbers and why they give us joy.” ― Sheldon

6. “What I find interesting, is how so many supervillains are scientists. If the world doesn’t respect me, I might change sides.” ― Sheldon

7. “Per the student dress and grooming code, this boy’s hair is too long. This boy’s wearing sports attire outside a designated area. And this girl’s blouse is diaphanous, which means I can see her brassiere.” ― Sheldon

8. “You want to know what’s really interesting? Aristotle thought that the sound of thunder was due to a collision between two clouds. He believed the clouds were expelling air, in the way a log on a fire crackles.” ― Sheldon

9. “The average American consumes 55 pounds of beef per year. And then there’s Texas, where we can knock that off in a couple of months. Maybe faster if we’re talking about smoked brisket.” ― Sheldon

10. “I don’t need a calculator, dad. I am one.” ― Sheldon

11. “In Texas, the holy trinity is God, Football and barbecue. Not necessarily in that order.” ― Sheldon

12. “Science fact: Sisters are the worst.” ― Sheldon

13. “I actually enjoyed being alone, solitude allowed me to think about important things.” ― Sheldon

Young Sheldon quotes by Missy
14. “I don’t need to be good at Math, I have beautiful hair.” ― Missy

15. “He can hear you. He knows if you’ve been bad or good. Like Santa, but he can send you to hell.” ― Missy

16. “All I know is, he’s not in the same grade as me anymore. And I’m thrilled.” ― Missy

17. “I don’t want to die, I’ve only kissed one boy so far.” ― Missy

18. “Sheldon, can you hear me? It’s your twin sister, Missy. Everything’s all right here, but I think Mom misses you real bad. All right, I can’t hear you, so I’m gonna hang up now.” ― Missy

Young Sheldon quotes by Mary
19. “Nothing is wrong with him, now turn back around before I break your neck.” ― Mary

20. “Sheldon, faith means believing in something you can’t know for sure is real. And right now, I am struggling with that.” ― Mary

21. “Shelly, remember when you thought you had leprosy, and it was just a patch of dry skin?” ― Mary

Young Sheldon quotes by Meemaw
22. “Darlin’, there’s no inferring. I’ve seen the boy sitting in the dirt eating his own belly button lint.” ― Meemaw

23. “Well, if there is something wrong with him, it ain’t constipation.” ― Meemaw

24.“Okay. Somebody’s got to teach this kid to swear, it’s embarrassing.” ― Meemaw

25. “You know, I hear you say things like that, and I wonder if maybe I did have a few too many whiskey sours when you were in my belly.” ― Meemaw

Which of these Young Sheldon quotes is your favorite?
While the television series hasn’t performed at the same level as The Big Bang Theory, it’s been popular with many fans.
They enjoy learning about Sheldon’s history and watching the interactions with his family members.
In The Big Bang Theory, fans learned that Sheldon is from Texas and his family is very unlike him.
This makes for some interesting storytelling in the prequel.
They hold true to the details shared from the main show.
The show has completed four seasons and is getting ready to premiere the fifth season in the fall of 2021.
You can get ready for the coming season by enjoying The Young Sheldon quotes and sayings above.
February 7, 2023 at 1:02 PM
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