25 Classic Archie Bunker Quotes from the Famous “Middle Class American”
August 10, 2022 5:00 AM EST
Archie Bunker was a surprising character to become a favorite on a television show as you’ll see in these Archie Bunker quotes.
Archie Bunker is a character from the 70s show, All in the Family.
While his character was originally created for audiences to hate, the exact opposite happened.
Middle-class Americans connected with the character and couldn’t get enough.
Archie Bunker represented the white male in America who was struggling to come to grasps with the changing society.
He struggled with just about all minority groups but showed that he was able to learn and overcome his beliefs about them through his personal experiences.
While that sounds like a serious show, it was anything but.
Enjoy these Archie Bunker quotes.
Don’t forget to also check out these “This Is Us” quotes from the hit show.
If you enjoy this article, check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily motivation.
If you want more motivational quotes, check out our motivational quotes category page.
Funny Archie Bunker quotes
1. “I am B-U-Z-Y, busy!” ― Archie Bunker

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2. “I got a unanimous letter.” ― Archie Bunker

3. “It ain’t German to the conversation.” ― Archie Bunker

4. “It’s too late Edith, my bus has sailed.” ― Archie Bunker

5. “That one kind of grapes on my nerves.” ― Archie Bunker

6. “She takes everything I say out of contest.” ― Archie Bunker

7. “There’s a strong criminal element up there.” ― Archie Bunker

8. “Why don’t you take a high dive into the clam drip?” ― Archie Bunker

9. “Entertainment is a thing of the past, today we’ve got television.” ― Archie Bunker

10. “We better not, ya know, kill our chickens before they cross the road.” ― Archie Bunker

Memorable Archie Bunker quotes
11. “Dummy up.” ― Archie Bunker

12. “Patience is a virgin.” ― Archie Bunker

13. “We’re Just Sweeping Dirty Dishes Under The Rug.” ― Archie Bunker

14. “If it’s too hot in the kitchen, stay away from the cook.” ― Archie Bunker

15. “Mrs. O’Leary’s cow is sorry, but Cleveland burned anyway.” ― Archie Bunker

16. “And remember, don’t talk to strangers unless you know them very well.” ― Archie Bunker

17. “Anybody that goes to see a psychiatrist ought to have his head examined!” ― Archie Bunker

18. “Every man should be king of his castle. And in this here castle, I am the king.” ― Archie Bunker

19. “No, let me tell you something, Mr. Stivic. You are a meathead! A meathead, dead from head up! A meathead!” ― Archie Bunker

20. “Well, I’ll tell you one thing about President Nixon. He keeps Pat home. Which was where Roosevelt should have kept Eleanor. Instead, he let her run around loose until one day she discovered the colored. We never knew they were there. She told them they were gettin’ the short end of the stick and we been having trouble ever since.” ― Archie Bunker

Interesting Archie Bunker quotes
21. “Edith, somebody’s gotta be dead; that’s life.” ― Archie Bunker

22. “I’ve never seen a man so low and depaved.” ― Archie Bunker

23. “Tell her I ain’t crawlin’ home to her with my tail between her legs.” ― Archie Bunker

24. “This isn’t something a man usually tells a woman: I love you, Edith.” ― Archie Bunker

25. “I wake up on a Saturday morning, I’m all alone. There’s no note, no nothing. There’s nobody here.” ― Archie Bunker

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What’s your favorite Archie Bunker quotes?
Archie Bunker didn’t get the reaction that was initially expected.
And people didn’t forget about his character either.
During the last presidential election in the 70s, people wore shirts that said “Archie for President”.
And a new demographic was formed in the voting world known as the “Archie Bunker vote”.
However, this didn’t go away when the show ended.
The “Archie Bunker vote” was referenced in both the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections in order to describe a similar group of people.
While sitcoms are meant to entertain, there were also many lessons that could be learned, and can still be learned, from these episodes.
What’s your biggest takeaway from these Archie Bunker quotes and sayings?
Do you have any other favorite quotes to add?
Let us know in the comment section below.
December 24, 2022 at 11:14 PM
Meathead, everyone knows that corporal punishment is a detergent to crime.
Jim Cargill
February 5, 2022 at 9:05 AM
I was looking for 1 where he said the government doesn’t care about you or something similar
January 28, 2022 at 7:50 AM
“You liberals got more ways for the world to end than a dog has fleas!”
May 25, 2021 at 9:10 AM
The one I quote the most is from Edith,’I do believe in nepotism as long as you keep it in the family.’
Mike Torrence
February 9, 2021 at 11:40 PM
When Gloria was upset about something she exclaimed “God made a mistake” Archie corrected her by saying “God don’t make mistakes little girl! That’s how He got to be God”