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How To Listen To Your Soul and Find Peace

Rich Schaus, Lead Contributor
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We live in a very loud world.

Billboards scream at us as we drive down the freeways.

Radio, social media, television, and movies all demand our attention and loyalty.

Add in peer pressure, family pressure, and employer pressure and suddenly, your soul is in the midst of a storm.

Where can you find peace?

Not simply external peace, but true, from the bottom of your very being, peace.

5 Tips To Help You Listen To Your Soul

1. Wilderness Experience

There is something healing that happens to the soul when you get out of the public and into nature.

This could be the woods, a beach, or a mountain.

Look at majestic scenes.

Allow yourself to dream and imagine a life of peace.

If you really want to listen to your soul and hear it sing, give this experience enough time to work its power.

Walk through the woods and spend the night among the critters and creation.

Breathe in the fresh air.

Let your mind simply rest.

Watch the squirrels play.

Observe animals in their natural habitat.

See life lived simply for the moment.

Literally stop and smell flowers.

Go out on a quest for greater and more spectacular views.

I remember being in Los Angeles on the beach late one night.

Looking out across the ocean, I actually forgot about the city and all of its noise.

I could sense my purpose and I felt fully alive.

2. Put down the electronics.

We are a culture that has become addicted to technology.

There is a deep desire to be in constant contact with people that we love, even those that we don’t really care about.

When was the last time that missing a Facebook post ruined your life?

If the news story is worthwhile, they will play it multiple times later.

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Usually the later editions will have more accurate information.

Who cares if you missed the first 12 hours of speculation and rumor?

When someone calls, if it is important, they will leave a message.

Somehow, that beeping or vibrating leash in your pocket has become the master – and we have become its slave.

Today is your day of freedom.

With all of those calls and messages coming at you at the speed of sound and light, how are you supposed to hear your soul’s whisper?

Leave the manacle on your desk and walk away. 

Yes, it will call to you.

Your very being will feel like you are missing something.

But it is lying to you.

After a few short hours away from the master’s whip, you will sense your freedom.

In the silence, you will suddenly hear a voice speaking to you.

This is your true self, the person that you were meant to be, and the one that can impact the nation.

A slave that remains a slave to this world cannot change the world.

So turn off that device for a minute – and listen to your soul.

Also check out these listening quotes that express the importance of listening.

3. Faith.

When words like “soul” come up, thoughts most often turn toward religion and churches.

Buildings and systems in themselves can do nothing to help you listen to your soul and its whispers.

However, they can provide an atmosphere that will enable you to come in contact with your faith

Believe deeply and allow the teaching to immerse you into thoughts that are contrary to your own nature.

Our own nature often leads us in ways that are not in our best interest.

In faith, we can grow and become more.

Read the sacred literature, read about saints and mystics.

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Hear from the ancients on how to live.

Dig deep and invest in your future.

Your soul is trying to speak to you even right now.

Will you listen to that call?

You will also enjoy our article on nourish your soul.

4. Enjoy the storm.

When I was in Junior High School, my town was rocked by a tornado.

I remember the aftermath of the storm, seeing the neighbor’s fence stuck in the side of my house.

Across the street, the attic of the old farmer’s house was now in his front yard.

All up and down the street there was damage.

Strangely though, what I remember most was the moments immediately after the storm.

It had been loud, scary, and uncertain.

When the sirens stopped, we went outside to see a clear sky with more brilliance than I had ever witnessed at that moment.

My entire neighborhood survived the storm.

However, we were not all the same people.

The storm changed us.

Suddenly, it was more important to visit the guy living next door than to watch television news.

Old feuds disappeared.

We actually learned the names of neighbors that we had previously only seen in passing.

The storm helped us to focus on what was really important.

Memories will last longer than stuff.

Friends will attend your funeral, not your new car, or even your home.

The storm caused us to get to know each other.

The people of that season and place, connected at a soul level that is almost indescribable.

We all heard our soul’s whisper – and were better because of it.

5. Become the Storm

Fear often keeps us from rocking the boat.

Consider that when the boat gets rocked, there is an adventure waiting to happen.

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Stories will be told.

When my kids were small, we went on a float trip on an early spring morning.

We had taken countless trips, but this one was memorable.

Everyone got settled into the canoe.

Three kids, two adults, ready to experience nature and adventure.

Less than 10 minutes into the trip, the canoe got turned sideways and dumped us all out into the cold river.

After I came out of the water, I looked desperately for my children.

My wife was holding onto the youngest.

The other two were swimming toward the shore.

I went to them and ensured they were all alright.

My oldest daughter had rescued her water bottle by tying it to her life jacket.

The youngest gave his mother credit for saving his life, and the middle child was laughing as he got to a spot where he could stand up.

We all survived.

Fear had kept us from really hearing our souls cry.

If something natural does not happen and you really want to hear your soul’s whisper; become the storm.

Challenge the status quo and experience the adventure.

Yes, you might get hurt – or worse.

But you will know that you are really living according to the REAL you.

Are you ready to listen to your soul?

“All men die, but not all men truly live” – William Wallace

Your soul is in color and filled with life.

What are you doing living in gray and death?

When you take the time to listen to your soul, you will discover more than you ever knew.

You will discover the true YOU.

This is who you were designed to be by your Creator.

The world needs more people who are fully alive.

Will you join us in the world of the living?

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  1. Kaif

    September 26, 2019 at 11:22 PM

    Very very useful paragraph I’ll try to apply on my life

    • Iqra

      January 31, 2020 at 1:20 AM

      true.when difficulty come in our life. Allah Almighty tell us what is important for our soul.

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