Benefits of Exercise to Get You to the Gym
December 30, 2022 9:00 AM EST | 4 min read
A funny thing happens when we talk about the benefits of exercise.
Simply because most people know exactly how they feel about it.
They either:
- love it
- hate it
- do it simply because they know they should
Everyone already knows the obvious benefits of exercise, like how it can help you shed pounds and lower your cholesterol.
But there are so many ways that exercise can change your life for the better.
Sadly, those who hate it miss out on the feeling that exercise gives.
There is an inexplainable feeling that being active does to you.
It’s like going into a Magic Mood Machine.
You walk in feeling one way and feel completely different… but in a good way, of course!
Here are 10 benefits of exercise that can improve your life.
1. Gain Confidence
Exercising is doing something good for your body.
That alone will give you the confidence to face other things.
From small things like feeling better in your dress to bigger things like knowing when it’s time to ditch your horrible significant other.
You are good to your body, and you will have the confidence to demand the same from others in your life.
2. Relationship Builder
One benefit of exercise is fighting stress by exerting all that negative energy into your workout.
For instance: if you have gotten into a heated argument with your significant other, there’s nothing like kicking and hitting a punching bag that will help you let it go.
You might just be less involved in petty disagreements.
3. Get Your Squad Together
Gyms offer classes and boot camps.
Plus, social media platforms created groups for everything!
Google running groups, boot camps, and other fitness groups in your area.
You have the potential to meet some great people who share your enthusiasm for fitness.
They may be the motivator that you need to keep up.
Either way, having a strong squad will enhance your life in more ways than one.
4. More Energy
Believe it or not, one of the many benefits of exercise is a boost of energy.
You can use that extra energy to clean the house, wash the car, re-arrange the closet, and do other tasks.
5. You Can Add Years To Your Life
This is one that you’ve probably heard before, but I am giving you the benefits of exercise for changing your life.
And there’s no exercising without life, right?
That sounds like a great reason to work up a sweat to me!
6. Strength Training Makes You Strong
Lifting dumbbells, kettlebells, and other weights at the gym strengthens you.
This way, everyday activities like carrying groceries, toting a baby on your hip, and running through a busy airport with bags strapped to you, will be a breeze.
7. You Will Sleep Better found that 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity a week provides a 65 percent improvement in sleep quality.
Who doesn’t want better sleep?
Be sure to check out the benefits of quality sleep in this article.
8. Exercising Helps Your Brain Stay Sharp
Exercising helps to improve brain function. found in a study that 20 minutes of exercising, especially aerobic exercise, have positive effects on brain function on multiple fronts, ranging from the molecular to behavioral level.
It has been found to facilitate information processing and memory functions.
9. It Is Good for The Skin
Working out has increased blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients to the skin.
Sweating carries away free radical cells.
You might not be so worried about your skin in your 20s (but you should be).
However, by the time you are looking at your 40s, you might have a different thought process regarding skin care.
10. Ever Heard of Endorphins?
Remember that feeling that I was talking about?
Well, it is because of endorphins, which is a feel-good chemical that is released from the brain.
Therefore, you will leave the gym… feeling good.
Start sweating today
Now, if these benefits of exercise aren’t reasons enough to get out there and work up I sweat, then I don’t know what will.
Happy sweating!
Tell us your favorite thing about exercising in the comment section below.
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