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10 Signs You Love Yourself And Love Others

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To love yourself is one of the most essential parts of maintaining good mental health.

It helps you:

  • have positive interactions
  • live a fulfilling life
  • build meaningful relationships

The ability to love yourself helps you love others.

What are some signs that you love yourself?

Check out this list of signs that you are on the right path to finding love for yourself.

1. You’re Compassionate & Connected

You feel connected to others—two-legged, four-legged, winged, and what have you.
Your spirit is generous, giving, and helpful.
You have compassion and know we are all on a journey.
We are all growing, so you reserve judgment as best as possible.
You are also wise and know to extend the same compassion for others to yourself.

2. You’re Mindful & Gracious

You spend life in the moment.
Your eyes glow, and you are grateful to be here and find beauty almost everywhere.
You look people in the eyes and experience moments with them.
Life is not like the movies—it likely won’t be one heroic act that defines your character but the cumulative sum of every moment.

3. You Take Responsibility & Seek Growth

You own your life.
When looking at the cards you have been dealt, you don’t point fingers or say, “Woe is me.”
You own your journey forward and allow yourself to grow.

4. You Let Yourself Be Human but Remember to be Awesome

You understand buttons get pushed, chemistry changes, hormones ebb and flow, and the sun isn’t always shining.
Everything is temporary.
You don’t berate yourself for the valleys you visit but shift your focus back to growth and positivity.
There are trials in everyone’s life, and you accept that.
You squash any automatic negative thoughts that pop into your head without harping on them or feeling guilty.
You get faster at turning back to the positive.

5. You Fail Triumphantly and Succeed Humbly

You give it all you got because you love yourself enough to be all in.
If you fall, you get up.
You encourage others to get up, learn, and move on.
You realize multiple failures are part of the process.
When you succeed, you take pride and remain humble.

6. You’re Fair to Yourself

You take care of yourself; you don’t pollute your body—this equates to healthy habits and relationships.
You are careful to eat clean and put yourself in healthy situations.
Let others show you who they are rather than project good qualities onto them.
If you find yourself in a toxic, soul-sucking relationship, you move on.
You grow strong, healthy relationships.
Taking care of yourself is one of the best ways to show yourself love.

7. You Let Go

Even when it is hard, you can let trust where the journey will take you next.
When presented with the possibility of a great opportunity, you acknowledge it, though you know there are other great opportunities.
If one doesn’t work out, you learn from the experience and trust another great one is ahead.

8. You Align with Love

Your truest intention is love; you seek to align with love over fear as you experience life and make choices.
You can pinpoint the times that you tell yourself you are being logical, but all this over-rationalizing is actually fear in disguise.
You choose love.

9. You’re Secure

You don’t get worried or jealous because you know you love yourself.
There is confidence in the things you do and the relationships you have.
You feel content and secure with who you are.

10. You Live with Passion

People comment on your zest for life.
You hear the line in the American Authors’ song Best Day of My Life and say YES!
Your life has vision and purpose, and you are not afraid to go after your goals.

Pause and reflect

How many of these signs do you see in yourself?

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Which one are you excited to start developing?

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