50 Peach Quotes About Nature’s Summer Candy
September 16, 2022 8:00 AM EST
These peach quotes will remind you why peaches are often called nature’s candy due to their sweet and delicious flavor.
The band, The Presidents of The United States of America, even wrote a whole song dedicated to peaches!
They are not the only ones with a lot to say about peaches as you will see in these peaches quotes.
The lyrics from the song go, “If I had my little way, I’d eat peaches everyday.” (I hope you sang that in your head!)
Many of these peaches quotes share the same sentiment.
Of course, there are also several peaches quotes that are perfect for all your Instagram posts—from workout posts, to selfies, and even pictures of actual peaches!
You might also be familiar with the saying “life is not always peaches and cream” or some variation of that.
Peaches and cream are a delicious combination—some would argue it is pure bliss!
However, life does not give us bliss all the time.
Sometimes you get peaches and no cream, or cream and no peaches.
Other times, you get a peach pit and a pile of broccoli. Or you get nothing at all.
These peaches quotes will make you smile, contemplate life, and maybe even leave you wanting to sink your teeth into a nice juicy peach!
Keep reading for some interesting facts about peaches you might not know!
If you like this article, we suggest you explore our most popular quotes article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily encouragement.
Look through our complete collection of inspirational quotes here.
Peach quotes that are perfect for Instagram
Find a photo to pare with these quotes and you will have the perfect Instagram post! Which of the quotes would you use for a social media post?
1. “A peach a day keeps heartaches at bay.” — Unknown

You will also enjoy our article on candy quotes.
2. “Peaches are mother earth’s sweetest gift.” — Unknown

You will also enjoy our article on fruit quotes.
3. “Peaches are so delicious, what’s not to love?” — Unknown

4. “We got to be a lot more peachy and a lot sweeter.” — Unknown

5. “Peaches are like fuzzy, wooly sisters of nectarines.” — Unknown

6. “Keep working out until you live up to the peach emoji.” — Unknown

7. “Never undermine the ability of peaches to make you smile.” — Unknown

8. “Take me anywhere but make sure they have peaches there.” — Unknown

9. “Peach in my hand, book in lap, sand underneath my toes, the stuff of fairy tales.” — Unknown

10. “Why are peaches a little fuzzy? Because even the nicest people have their limits.” — Unknown

Peach quotes about life
Not only are peaches delicious, they can teach us about life. Take a look at the quotes below to gain some more perspective about peaches.
11. “Inside the peach, there is a stone.” — Margaret Atwood

12. “The ripest peach is highest on the tree.” — James Whitcomb Riley

13. “Don’t ever give up on life when it can still offer you peaches.” — Unknown

14. “An apple is an excellent thing — until you have tried a peach.” — George du Maurier

15. “Well, I don’t know anything that’s good for you that smells like peaches that isn’t peaches.” — Silvio Muraglia

16. “A peach–a juicy ripe one–can seduce anyone with its ethereal flavor and sensual texture.” — David Mas Masumoto

17. “Well, a peach has a lovely taste and so does a mushroom, but you can’t put the two together.” — Arthur Golden

18. “Life is better than death, I believe, if only because it is less boring, and because it has fresh peaches in it.” — Alice Walker

19. “But no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.” — Jonathan Aibel

20. “You could be the tastiest, most juiciest, most delicious peach out there in the world; there’s still going to be people out there who don’t like peaches.” — Benson Henderson

Things that are like peaches quotes
What else is like a peach? Find out in the collection of quotes below.
21. “The peach is a symbol of immortality in Taoist mythology.” — Desmond R. Layne

22. “Family life is a bit like a runny peach pie – not perfect but who’s complaining?” — Robert Breault

23. “Memories, even hard memories, grew soft like peaches as they grow older.” — Sarah Addison Allen

24. “Jealousy had a taste, all right. A bitter and tongue-stinging flavor, like a peach pit.” — Dolores Hitchens

25. “In Hollywood, the women are all peaches. It makes one long for an apple occasionally.” — W. Somerset Maugham

26. “Men, like peaches and pears, grow sweet a little while before they begin to decay.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
27. “Now fear… fear you can taste! Let’s see, fear kinda tastes like… like peaches, peaches covered with fresh bone marrow.” — Matt Wagner
28. “Some critics are emotionally desiccated, personally about as attractive as a year-old peach in a single girl’s refrigerator.” — Mel Brooks
29. “Just as cherry, plum, peach and damson blossoms all possess their own unique qualities, each person is unique. We cannot become someone else.” — Daisaku Ikeda
30. “I think drugs are like strawberries and peaches. There’s no way to tell anyone who hasn’t been through it, there’s no way to explain it to anyone who hasn’t tasted it .” — Edie Sedgwick
Peaches and cream quotes about the reality of life
What do peaches and cream teach us about the realities of life? Find out in the quotes below!
31. “Oh, sweet peaches and cream, this hurts.” — Terri Osburn
32. “Dream a little dream to make life peaches and cream.” — Unknown
33. “I been through some junk. It ain’t all been peaches and cream.” — Timbaland
34.“This is how southern women worked—all peaches in cream, laced with arsenic.” — Molly Harper
35. “There are a lot of different sides to me. I don’t know if I’m always peaches-and-cream.” — Shiri Appleby
36. “Having a list is all peaches and cream, as long as you remember that life usually gets in the way.” — Julie Tilsner
37. “I’m a big believer in personal responsibility. Where I am today is through a belief in hard work and never saying no.” — Steve Wilkos
38. “A strong relationship is an honest relationship, and no honest relationship is all peaches and cream. Love is the key.” — Jerry Spinelli
39. “There’s no more perfect way to fall asleep than having my arms wrapped around her while I breathe in her peaches and cream scent that is mixed with the scent of us and sweat.” — Rein Scott
40. “There have been people in my life who meant me well, taught me valuable lessons, and others who have meant me ill and have given me ample notification that my world is not meant to be all peaches and cream.” — Maya Angelou
Peach quotes about color and art
Peaches are not just food, they are a color and they are even art. Take a look at the quotes below to see more insight about this subject.
41. “Peach is a neutral, earthy color.” — Unknown
42. “My home is all about peachy tones and hues.” — Unknown
43. “Peachy tones can lift the whole ambiance of a space.” — Unknown
44. “I’m amorous but out of reach / A still life drawing of a peach.” — Fiona Apple
45. “Peach color is a sweet pinkish-orange color. It has a slightly warm undertone.” — Unknown
46. “When you paint Spring, do not paint willows, plums, peaches, or apricots – just paint Spring.” — Dogen
47. “A peach, slightly unbalanced, so that it listed to one side, its hue the color of an early sunrise.” — Allegra Goodman
48. “What a business is this of a portrait painter! You bring him a potato and expect he will paint you a peach.” — Gilbert Stuart
49. “One does a whole painting for one peach and people think just the opposite – that particular peach is but a detail.” — Pablo Picasso
50. “Sunrise paints the sky with pinks and the sunset with peaches. Cool to warm. So is the progression from childhood to old age.” — Vera Nazarian
Interesting facts about peaches
Peaches are a small fuzzy fruit. They are an excellent source of vitamins C and A.
Peaches are also low in calories, and free of cholesterol, sodium and fat.
They might taste like a guilty pleasure, but you can indulge without any guilt!
Georgia is famous for their peaches. In fact, the state’s nickname is the “Peach State.”
Georgia grows 130 million pounds of peaches each year.
Interestingly, though, South Carolina and California produce even more each year. Who knew!
August is also National Peach Month! Since peaches are a summer fruit, this seems appropriate.
And there are so many ways to celebrate… You could eat some fresh peaches, bake a pie or a cobbler, have some peaches and cottage cheese, or you know, peaches and ice cream.
Peaches grow on a tree and each tree can produce up to 66 pounds of peaches a year!
The life cycle of a peach tree means each tree can produce fruit for about 12 years.
That means that one peach tree can yield about 792 pounds of peaches!
What is your favorite way to consume a peach?
Nature’s candy in your hand? Or a can? Or a pie? (Sorry, I couldn’t resist leaving you with some more lyrics from Peaches!)
Were any of the peach quotes new to you, or had you heard them all before?
Share with your friends and let us know in the comment section below!