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Will Ferrell Quotes to Give You a Good Laugh

Nia Simone McLeod, Content Writer
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From his breakout role in Saturday Night Live to becoming a leading man in film, comedian Will Ferrell has brought laughs to millions of audiences all across the world.

To celebrate his comedic and creative talent, we have compiled fifty Will Ferrell quotes below, including memorable quotes from his most well-known movies. 

What’s your favorite Will Ferrell movie? 

Actor and comedian Will Ferrell has a filmography filled with hilarious movies that defined the late 90s and early 2000s, including A Night at the Roxbury, Step Brothers, Elf, and Anchorman.

In recent years Ferrell has become a prominent comedy producer, including being the co-founder of Funny or Die, one of the most well-known web comedy production companies. 

Learn more about comedy, career, and family from Will Ferrell below. 

For more quotes from his works, be sure to also read these Step Brothers quotes or this collection of hilarious Elf quotes.

Also, check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily wisdom.

See the rest of our quote database for even more inspirational ideas and thoughts.

Will Ferrell quotes on career

1. “All you have in comedy, in general, is just going with your instincts. You can only hope that other people think that what you think is funny is funny. I don’t have an answer but I just try to plough straight ahead.” – Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell quotes on career

Everyday Application: Comedy and life share many parallels. Always go with your instincts, and remember that people’s opinions will differ from yours. None of us has an answer, but all we can do is keep going!

You will also enjoy our article on Anchorman quotes.

2. “I have only been funny about seventy-four percent of the time. Yes I think that is right. Seventy-four percent of the time.” – Will Ferrell

Inspirational Will Ferrell quotes

Everyday Application: Even those at the top of their game do not get it right all the time. And that is ok! Will Ferrell’s funny at 74% of the time is still far funnier than I will ever be. The same can be said about each of unique talents. Just be you!

3. “There’s always going to be someone as funny as you or funnier.” – Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell quotes about there's always going to be someone as funny as you or funnier

Everyday Application: This is true about everything in life. There will always be someone that is smarter, prettier, stronger, etc. than you are. But that does not take away from your strengths. Own them and be comfortable with yourself.

4. “I think anyone who has, you know, is in any sort of artistic pursuit, kind of goes up and down with the way they feel about their work. And I, for the most part, am a pretty happy person. But, yeah. I go through definite periods of time where I’m not funny. I’m not good. I’m – I don’t feel original.” – Will Ferrell

Funny Will Ferrell quotes

Everyday Application: We all have our ups and downs. When you feel like you are in an off period, don’t despair. This is normal and something we all go through. Center yourself, engage in some self-care, and work on your skills. You will make it through!

5. “I would love to play Simon Cowell in a movie – heck, I would love it. It would be my dream role.” – Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell quotes about dream role

Everyday Application: Who doesn’t love (or love to hate) Simon Cowell? Seriously, though, the point here is to know what your dreams are. Speak them into existence, and put the work in required to reach them. Work on your goals and don’t give up!

6. “I think a lot of the instincts you have doing comedy are really the same for doing drama, in that it’s essentially about listening. The way I approach comedy, is you have to commit to everything as if it’s a dramatic role, meaning you play it straight.” – Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell quotes about listening

Everyday Application: We can each approach our lives like we comedians or dramatic actors! There will be times in life the drama is heavy and we have to commit to living a life that feeds our purpose. Other times, there will be nothing left to do but laugh or cry. Laugh more than you cry!

7. “I’ve always had, when I needed it, an extreme amount of focus that I could put into something. That has served me well.” – Will Ferrell

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Will Ferrell quotes about extreme amount of focus

Everyday Application: To get what you really want in life requires work and focus. Talent can be helpful, but hard work and determination will always win. Make the sacrifices, work hard, and take the risks. You will find that kind of commitment and belief will serve you well!

8. “It’d be great to be in a position where you can make choices regardless of money. My tastes are always gonna lead me to go for the amazing project where I’m being paid in Turkish cantaloupes.” – Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell quotes about Turkish cantaloupes

Everyday Application: Life, and how you spend your days, is about much more than money. Money is necessary unfortunately, so we don’t always get to do exactly what we want. However, remember that you are much more capable than you think, and we do not actually require much money to live. Ask yourself where your priorities lie, and live life according to them!

9. “Aren’t we all striving to be overpaid for what we do?” – Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell quotes about aren't we all striving to be overpaid for what we do?

Everyday Application: You can do what you love and get paid for it. You can even be overpaid for it. Create a vision of how you want your life to look, and then go after it! Don’t be afraid to start your own business or follow your dreams, if that is how you can be overpaid for doing what you love!

10. “It’s very easy for me to play silly, but to reveal something closer to you, that’s so much harder.” – Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell quotes to difference in your life

Everyday Application: Many of us find it hard to be vulnerable with other people. Some use humor, while others use things like sarcasm, to avoid getting too close to people. Try not to close yourself off. Be open and vulnerable. Your relationships will be much better, and you will notice a difference in your life, too!

11. “I always find it actually funny that the analysis is that the characters I play in comedies are the manchild, the adolescent, characters that refuse to grow up. And yet, if you look back in the history of comedy all the way back to the Marx brothers, that’s a big part of comedy.” – Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell quotes about the funny character

Everyday Application: This persona might be great for comedy, but in real life it is much less appealing. Depending on your definition of success you might want to focus on your personal development. You can be funny without acting like a child.

12. “I know the nature of comedy, and you never know what will happen with the next movie or whether people will find it funny.” – Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell quotes about the nature of comedy

Everyday Application: Humor is subjective, and audiences can be fickle. However, Will Ferrell does a great job making most of us laugh. Check out these hilarious quotes from Anchorman!

13. “I love playing the macho guy who looks like an idiot.” – Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell quotes about I love playing the macho guy who looks like an idiot

14. “Saturday Night Live is such a comedy boot camp in a way, because you get to work with so many different people who come in to host the show and you get thrown into so many situations and learn how to think on your feet, so filmmaking actually feels slow, in a good way.” – Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell quotes about Saturday Night comedy

15. “You still have that competitive thing where you want to try to make hits. That won’t go away, unless the mayor of show business says my time’s up.” – Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell quotes about competitive thing where you want to try to make hits

Everyday Application: These wise words from Will can apply to every area of your life. Keep that fire and pursue your goals relentlessly. Be competitive and challenge yourself.

16. “Anyone who does anything creative is always gonna want to change.” – Will Ferrell

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Will Ferrell quotes about anything creative

Everyday Application: Most people want to change and develop into better versions of themselves. This is not just applicable for those of us who work in creative outlets. However, change can be scary. Check out this article for tips to help you create the change you need in your life.

17. “I guess ultimately a lot of comedians just wanna be taken seriously.” – Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell quotes about comedians

Everyday Application: Once again Will’s words can apply to everyone, not just comedians. People want to know that what they are doing matters in some way and brings value. All work has a purpose, and everyone deserves to be taken seriously and treated with respect.

Funny Will Ferrell quotes from movies

18. “Here’s the deal I’m the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence.” – Will Ferrell, “Talladega Nights”

Will Ferrell quotes from movies

If you’re enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of Talladega Nights quotes from the hit comedy.

19. “No, you go to hell, and while you’re there, why don’t you grab me a juice box! – Will Ferrell, “Kicking and Screaming”

funny Will Ferrell quotes from movies

20. “It’s so damn hot… milk was a bad choice.” – Will Ferrell, “Anchorman”

Funny Will Ferrell quotes about milk was a bad choice

21. “Help me Jesus! Help me Jewish God! Help me Allah! Help me Tom Cruise! Tom Cruise, use your witchcraft on me to get the fire off me!” – Will Ferrell, “Talladega Nights”

Will Ferrell quotes about wanting help

22. “We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup.” – Will Ferrell, “Elf”

Will Ferrell quotes about candy corns and syrup

23. “I swear, I’m so pissed off at my mom. As soon as she’s of age, I’m putting her in a home.” – Will Ferrell, “Step Brothers”

Will Ferrell quotes from step brothers movie

24. “Matt Lauer can suck it!” – Will Ferrell, “Land of the Lost”

Will Ferrell quotes on Matt lauer can suck it

25. “I passed through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gumdrops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel.” – Will Ferrell, “Elf”

Will Ferrell quotes about the Lincoln Tunnel

26. “How ’bout we go get kicked out of an Applebee’s?” – Will Ferrell, “Talladega Nights”

27. “Don’t act like you’re not impressed.” – Will Ferrell, “Anchorman”

28. “One day I’ll get you over that wall of anger, and it will be glorious!” – Will Ferrell, “The Other Guys”

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Will Ferrell quotes on life

29. “I’ve never been a conceited person or cocky, never felt boastful, but I always had a sense of self-worth; I always had a real sense of myself.” – Will Ferrell

30. “I’m a Cancer; I’m music-passionate. I like long walks on the beach.” – Will Ferrell

31. “I’m a selective packrat. There’s some things I have no problem getting rid of and others I hold onto dearly.” – Will Ferrell

32. “I’m a bit of a gourmet chef. I love cooking – mostly Thai food.” – Will Ferrell

33. “Enjoy the little fun things – like taking your kids to school – before they’re all grown up.” – Will Ferrell

34. “I’ve always wanted to sail around the world in a handmade boat, and I built a boat.” – Will Ferrell

35. “I hate when someone drives my car and resets all the radio presets. I don’t understand it. If I was ever driving someone’s car, I would never touch the things that were set.” – Will Ferrell

Will Ferrell quotes on upbringing

36. “I left home to go to college, and then I moved back home. I moved back for three years from 21 to 24.” – Will Ferrell

37. “I speak as much Spanish as anyone who has grown up in Southern California or Texas or Arizona. I had my three years of high-school Spanish and a couple of semesters in college.” – Will Ferrell

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38. “When I was ten, I wrote an essay on what I would be when I grew up and said I would be a professional soccer player and a comedian in offseason.” – Will Ferrell

39. “I still regret that I never played soccer in high school. I chose basketball over soccer.” – Will Ferrell

40. “I remember going with my mom to a random garage sale as a kid and thinking what a cool treasure hunt that whole world was. Only to transition as an adult to think, ‘What a gross place that really is.’” – Will Ferrell

41. “One of my first memories of being a kid was, ‘I want to have a real job when I grow up.’ And to me that meant you wear a suit and a hat and carry a briefcase and go to your job.” – Will Ferrell

42. “I grew up in an entertainment family, and so I saw how susceptible you are to the ups and downs of this business.” – Will Ferrell

43. “I always just forced myself to do crazy things in public. In college I would push an overhead projector across campus with my pants just low enough to show my butt. Then my friend would incite the crowd to be like, ‘Look at that idiot!’ That’s how I got over being shy.” – Will Ferrell

44. “My dad turned me onto Peter Sellers as a kid. I loved the fact that he was a unique combination of being extremely subtle and over-the-top all at the same time, and that’s a hard thing to do. I admire that.” – Will Ferrell

45. “In the fourth grade, I learned how to fake walking into a door. You know, you hit it with your hand and snap your head back. The girls loved it.” – Will Ferrell

More Will Ferrell quotes

46. “By the time I was ready for college, I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I think I secretly wanted a show business career, but I was suppressing it.” – Will Ferrell

47. “I’ve always loved watching the news on TV. As a kid, I loved watching Walter Cronkite, for some reason.” – Will Ferrell

48. “In junior high P.E., I was way too shy to take a shower in front of the other kids. It was a horribly awkward time – body hair, odors… So I’d go from my sweaty shirt back into my regular clothes and have to continue the day.” – Will Ferrell

49. “I did plenty of jobs that I hated. I was a bank teller and terrible at it. I parked cars, a valet. I answered phones. I somehow avoided being a waiter. I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep the order straight. I’m not much of a multi-tasker.” – Will Ferrell

50. “I was a strange kid in that, while most kids hate school and want to turn 18 or 21, I loved high school.” – Will Ferrell

51. “Before you marry a person you should first make them use a computer with slow internet to see who they really are.” – Will Ferrell

52. “Oftentimes I’m confronted with a quote that I don’t remember saying. So, on one hand, it’s very flattering, it is just so surreal.” – Will Ferrell

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Do you still practice any hobbies from childhood? 

The key to realizing your passion may lie in the past, just as it did for Will Ferrell.

His passion for comedy as an adult began within his childhood experiences.

If you’re struggling to find your true passion, or simply want to try a new hobby, remind yourself of the things you enjoyed as a child. 

Whether you were interested in ballet or dreamed about becoming a best-selling author, there may be ways that you can continue those passions you exercised as a child into adulthood in some way. 

What’s your favorite quote from Will Ferrell?

Is there another actor that we should showcase on Everyday Power?

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