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Selena Quintanilla Quotes About Love and Life

Norbert Juma, Editor
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Even though her life was cut short, these Selena Quintanilla quotes share her words of wisdom about love and life.

Selena Quintanilla is best remembered as the Queen of Tejano music.

She remains on the list of best-selling Latin singers even though she only lived to be 23 years old.

According to a study conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, reading quotes from influential figures can have a positive impact on motivation and self-esteem.

The researchers found that such quotes can trigger reflection, leading to increased motivation and a sense of connection with the quoted individual.

Her murder by former fan-club president made world-wide news and shook many to their core.

While she was incredibly young when she was killed, she seemed to be wise beyond her years as you can tell from the quotes below that cover everything from the importance of being yourself to having successful relationships.

Here is our collection of inspirational, wise and thoughtful Selena Quintanilla quotes and sayings, collected from a variety of sources over the years.

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Selena Quintanilla quotes on success

Dr. Jennifer Aaker from Stanford Graduate School of Business found that emotionally engaging content, like quotes from inspiring people, can increase the likelihood of that content being shared by more than double.

Selena Quintanilla’s quotes about love and life resonate with many people, which makes them more likely to be shared among friends and followers, spreading her inspiring messages.

1. “When you get hard work, you get success.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes on sucess

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2. “Always believe that the impossible is always possible.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes that the impossible is always possible

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3. “Anybody can be a role model.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about anybody can be a role model

You will also enjoy our article on Latin quotes.

4. “With a positive attitude, you can be anything you want to be.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about positive attitude

5. “We never never thought we’d get this far, but we’re here.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about thought

6. “We got laughed at. My father was told that we would never make it. It’s gradual, a growing process. It’s not like it came overnight.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about growing process

7. “All this is a dream to me. Everything, the applause, the fans asking for autographs, the trips, all that is a dream.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about dream

8. “I’m always planning for my future. The public can support an artist or let them fall. Aside from music, I love designing. I have to put money in something I like. That is why I have been thinking of the boutiques.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about planning for my future

9. “You get a lot farther in life without drugs.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about you get a lot farther in life without drugs

10. “I lost a lot out of my teenage hood but I gained a lot too. I can’t really say that I lost because I got ahead of everyone as far as career and being more mature about business, even though I didn’t know what the heck was going on.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about teenage hood

11. “One thing is that if I ever have children later on, for sure I want my children to know Spanish. It only makes you a better person or even a smarter person to know two languages. If that barrier is not there you can cross both lines, talk to English [speaking] and Spanish [speaking] people, and it gets you a lot farther in business and personal communication.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about business and personal communication

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Selena Quintanilla quotes on hard Work

A survey by the Pew Research Center revealed that 68% of U.S. Hispanics listen to music in Spanish.

This statistic highlights the cultural significance of artists like Selena Quintanilla, who sang primarily in Spanish, and the importance of her inspiring quotes in reaching a large segment of the population.

12. “You have to take what you can get when you’re getting started.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes on hard work

13. “We went through a hard time, and we had to turn to music as a means to putting food on the table. And we’ve been doing it ever since. No regrets either.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about hard time

14. “When you get hard work, you get success, and we put a lot of years into it.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about hard work

15. “Tejano music was hard for us because I was a girl. My dad had a lot of problems while trying to set up shows for us or presentations because there are a lot of men who don’t think that women can get the attention of the public. But . . . wrong!” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about Tejano music

16. “All I need to do is try and do the best that I can do.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about all i need to do is try and do the best that I can do

17. “Since I was small, when I was in school, I was a business girl. I would buy things to sell, gums for three cents, things like that.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about gums for three cents

18. “Music is not a very stable business. You know it comes and it goes, and so does money. But your education stays with you for the rest of your life.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about music is not a very stable business

19. “The life of an artist is not all glamorous. It’s a lot of work. A lot of people think that it’s very easy. They think you always stay in good hotels, you buy good things, but it is not like that. You have to work very hard like everybody.” – Selena Quintanilla

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Selena Quintanilla quotes about the life of an artist

20. “I’m spoiled in the sense that now I get what I want but it’s because I work for it.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes making sense

Selena Quintanilla quotes on being true to yourself

Research conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) indicates that people are more likely to be inspired by stories of overcoming adversity.

Selena Quintanilla’s life story, filled with challenges and her ultimate triumph as an artist, adds a powerful layer of meaning to her quotes about love and life, making them particularly inspiring.

21. “I’m very real, very sincere, and honest, and that’s how I’ll always be.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about honesty

22. “If you have a dream, don’t let anybody take it away.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about dream

23. “I feel very proud to be Mexican.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about I feel very proud to be Mexican

24. “I eat anything, and I’m not preoccupied with my figure. The most important is that the people accept me for my music, not for physical appearances. – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about physical apperarances

25. “I don’t feel pressure because I’m not trying to portray something that I’m not.” – Selena Quintanilla

Selena Quintanilla quotes about feeling pressure

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Put her words to work

One of the best ways to honor someone’s lifethat has passed on is to apply the wisdom they have shared to your own life.

Even though Selena Quintanilla only lived to such a young age, she had valuable tips to share that you can apply to your own life to make each day better.

With hard work and determination, you can reach your goals and dreams the same way that Selena was able to reach her own.

Which of these Selena Quintanilla quotes resonated with you best?

Do you have any other favorite quotes to add?

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