25 Joe Dirt Quotes From the Hilarious Characters
March 25, 2023 5:00 AM EST
Enjoy these Joe Dirt quotes that will keep you laughing!
Joe Dirt is a movie about a character who has been knocked down by life, then kicked while he was down over and over.
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A poll conducted by BuzzFeed said that over 80% of respondents have used a Joe Dirt quote in their everyday life.
Therefore Joe Dirt’s quotes poll findings demonstrate the enduring popularity and influence of Joed Dirt quotes on pop culture.
What are the benefits of reading Joe Dirt quotes?
Joe goes on more adventures than most of us will ever be on because he will keep trying.
The great thing about Joe Dirt is that he doesn’t let negativity keep him down, no matter what might have happened.
He lost his family, jobs, and much more, but he is always chasing his dream and is a good friend.
In the end, those friends of his who are real friends come through for him and show him what family really is.
These Joe Dirt quotes will remind you of the following:
- the importance of friendship
- the power of your dreams
- how important staying positive in the face of challenges is
Joe Dirt was written by David Spade and Fred Wolf and directed by Dennie Gordon.
David Spade, Dennis Miller, Brittany Daniel, and Christopher Walken starred in the movie.
The film was released in April 2001 and received unfavorable reviews, with some critics saying it was too predictable and strained.
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Best Joe Dirt quotes and sayings
According to a survey conducted by the website Ranker, “Life’s a garden, dig it” was ranked as the top Joe Dirt quote by fans of the movie.
The survey affirms that Joe Dirt’s quotes reflect the movie’s underlying message of finding the beauty and meaning in life, no matter how difficult the circumstances may be.
1. “Life’s a garden, dig it.” – Joe Dirt

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2. “Here on earth, we call this place a ‘town.’ A ‘town’ is a place where everyone hates you.” – Joe Dirt

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3. “Is this where you wanna be when Jesus comes back?” – Joe Dirt

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4. “My name is Joe Dirt, I added an e to the end, cause it sounds cool.” – Joe Dirt

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5. “Right on. You’re Joe Meteorite and I’m Joe Dirt.” – Joe Dirt

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6. “Things are gonna happen for me, I’m Joe Dirt.” – Joe Dirt

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7. “When bad pets go bad, dang.” – Joe Dirt

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8. “Keep on, keepin’ on” – Joe Dirt

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9. “If my calculations are correct, this will create ice… oh no, killer mustard gas!” – Joe Dirt

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10. “Now, this ain’t no flapjack. I’ll go real easy. I won’t look.” – Joe Dirt

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11. “You can’t have “no” in your heart. “No” is not an option, brother.” – Joe Dirt

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12. “You want me to put my ear to the ground and listen for hoofbeats, check for footprints, look for broken twigs? This is the modern era. That stuff doesn’t work anymore.” – Kicking Wing

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13. “Lose that frown. When you’re down, stare at a clown,” — Joe’s Mom

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14. “Life is too short to waste doing nothing, make every day count because we all don’t know when we will leave this world.” – Joe Dirt

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15. “Things get the darkest before dawn.” – Joe Dirt

Funny Joe Dirt Quotes
According to a study by the website FanSided, “Joe Dirt” is the 8th most quotable movie of all time among sports fans.
Based on this study, Joe Dirt’s quotes on perseverance and overcoming adversity have resonated with athletes and sports enthusiasts, leading to their continued popularity in this community.
16. “He’ll stop humping as soon as he’s done.” – Miss Clipper

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17. “And you’ll be sticking your head out the window and check out chic dogs saying ‘what’s up, baby?’” – Joe Dirt

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18. “There are three rules when dealing with a deadly crocodile. Rule number one, I’m number one. Rule number two, the croc’s number two.” – Joe Dirt

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19. “So, what you’re telling me, is that you’re so ingrained with White Trash, that your facial hair just grows in all white trashy like that?” – Zander Kelly

20. “What’s the deal with your hair? You doing stunt work for Billy Ray Cyrus?” – Zander Kelly

21. “I got the poo on me!” – Joe Dirt

22. “Well, that might be your problem. It’s not what you like. It’s the consumer.” – Joe Dirt

23. “Why don’t you practice fallin down, I’ll be there in a minute.” – Joe Dirt

24. “Might as well ask why is a tree good? Why’s a sunset good? Why are boobs good?” – Joe Dirt

25. “His name’s Rocky and he ain’t no puppy.” – Joe Dirt

Which of these Joe Dirt Quotes is your favorite?
After seeing the quotes above, you can probably see that Joe Dirt is a ridiculous but hilarious comedy.
Joe Dirt is a fast-moving comedy from 2001 that stars David Spade.
The best thing about the movie is that Joe constantly goes from one adventure to another, so you don’t have time to get bored.
Instead, you will laugh the whole time and maybe root for Joe Dirt.
This movie will instantly become one of your favorites because of the characters, the adventures, the great one-liners, and Joe Dirt’s great mullet.
Don’t wait another minute to see your new favorite comedy!
Did you enjoy these Joe Dirt quotes and lines?
Which of the quotes is your favorite?
Let us know in the comment section below.
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August 15, 2022 at 10:35 PM
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